Stepwise Guide On How To Reset And Setup Netgear Routers

Wi-Fi Router Login
3 min readNov 5, 2019


Steps to reset Netgear routers

In case you are already using a Netgear router setup and facing some router offline issues or you are unable to login to the starting everything from scratch by hitting the reset button is extremely important.

Here is a guide to Netgear router reset

· Make sure that your router’s power is turned on

· The restore factory button or simply the reset button is located somewhere at the back of your router

· Locate the button

· To avoid accidental resets the button is placed within a hole

· Use a paper clip or similar objects and hold down the button for around 7 seconds or so

· Release the factory reset button

· Router should start resetting automatically

· Once reset is complete login to setup via your default credentials

· Post reset post your Netgear default password and username. The default credentials are admin and password Both are case sensitive

Router issues after hard reset

In case you not working after reset here are the setups to troubleshoot

· Disconnect all connected USB cables just leave the power cord

· And press the reset button for 30 seconds or so

· Now disconnect the power lead but without realizing the reset button

· Keep holding the reset button for another 30 seconds or so

· Now reconnect the power cables

· Continue holding reset button for 30 seconds

· Final release the button

· Wait patiently for 10 seconds or so

· Now reconnect to your router

· In case there is any modem device make sure that the modem is tightly connected

· Make sure that you are using a wired Ethernet connection between your pc and router while resetting

· Check if any windows defender or antivirus programs hindering from logging into the routers dashboard. In case there is turn down those settings

· Check if the default IP address is put correctly or not. Generally the default IP for Netgear routers is or or

· Try accessing from another browser

· In case nothing works the run setup Netgear router steps from scratch

Steps to setup Netgear routers

· Plug in and turn on your routers

· Wait till the LEDs glow white

· Use an Ethernet cable and connect the internet slot of your router with the lan port of your computer

· Once you have properly connected launch a web browser of your choice

· Type and access the setup genie wizard page

· On follow all the prompt screen instructions to complete the setup process and complete the setup

· Now run a test trial

In case you have modem based DSL connection follow the steps to configure.

· Connect the DSL port of the modem router to the power source in one end and with an Ethernet cable connect to computer Lan port in other

· Launch a browser and type

· Enter the setup wizard now click yes

· DSL connection via internet login is detected as PPPoE/PPPoA

· Enter the credentials

· Follow other onscreen instructions for completing the process

In case of any technical errors ask experts for further help.



Wi-Fi Router Login

Hi I’m Kathleen Walker I’m living in Washington, US & I’m a third party Customer Support executive at Wi-Fi Router. Contact us: (866)317–4606