feather of death

memoirs by vishal
6 min readSep 25, 2023


Losing your loved ones is the most painful. Leaving us feeling overwhelmed, broken, and inconsolable the pain of such a loss is deeply profound, touching the depths of our hearts and challenging our very understanding of life. However, amidst the grief, there exists a profound truth that we must eventually come to accept: the natural process of life includes the inevitability of loss.

We start healing our emotional damage only after the proper goodbye to the person. Every religion around the world has its way to do that.


Every religion believes that Balance of Life or Anything that happens in this world is happening because of big reasons behind it. Death is also a big part of human life, and the Right Burial of the dead is the only thing you can do for your loved ones.

Photo by Sandra Morante

Sacred place near the Sky burial Ground

In remote regions of the world, a unique burial practice known as “sky burial” has been performed for centuries, shrouded in tradition, spirituality, and a deep connection to nature. Sky burial, also called celestial burial or bird burial, is a ritualistic practice where the deceased are placed atop high mountaintops, exposed to the elements and consumed by scavenging birds. This article delves into the solemn and culturally significant practice of sky burial, exploring

its origins, symbolism, and the profound perspective it offers on life, death, and the eternal cycle of existence.

As The Tibetan Customs, Sky burial is a very sacred and pure process. It may look cruel or disrespectful towards the dead person but according to Buddhist Monks in Tibet, every step of sky burial is taken very carefully without doing any disrespect to the Dead person or Family.

Each step is undertaken according to Buddhist Burial Law.

The first step is to prepare the body for sky burial in this Tibetans carefully wrap the traditional white cloth around the body, the body is treated like a living person. No one is allowed to say anything wrong about the person or any discussion on the person’s past.

After carefully wrapping the body, it gets laid carefully on the clean corner of the house where the dead person used to live. According to the

the traditional body should not be disturbed in any circumstances or it may interrupt the soul’s transition in new birth.

After 5 Days the body is in the process of decomposing and it should be disposed of. The family invites Buddhist monks or Lamas into the house to read Holy Sculptures to the dead, it’s believed that reading helps the soul leave the body and clean its worldly sins.

The second and last step is to feed the Vultures. For this family called Body carriers take the body to the sacred place. This place is situated between the mountains away from the Residential area.

Family members say their last goodbye in this step after the body leaves the house no family member is allowed to follow. it’s a belief that the presence of family members is attached to the soul; this world makes the burial hard.Family members select the date of the burial and called it a ‘Lucky Day’

Several things take place on Lucky Day, unwrapping of the body and bending the body in a sitting position symbolizing the rebirth of the person.

After that body carriers deposit the body to the dead, usually few in numbers, at the burial place they use mulberry smoke to attract vultures.

Vultures are believed to be holy birds of Tibet. As they only devour dead creatures.

As lamas offer their final Prayers and let vultures devour the Corpse.

What’s the Idea behind this Unique Burial?

An Indian monk named Tamba Sanjee introduced it to Tibet around the late 11th century. He encouraged this burial practice, personally reciting prayers for the deceased at the celestial burial site. He believed this act was a way to emulate Sakyamuni’s sacrifice and feeding tigers, a merit that could cleanse one’s life wrongdoings and help the soul in its rebirth. This practice was accepted by the Tibetans and became a custom intertwined with their Buddhist beliefs.

In Tibetan culture, vultures are revered as sacred birds. Unlike eagles and hawks that hunt and kill, vultures patiently wait for animals to die before consuming them. Hence, they are called Dakini in Tibetan, signifying female deities flying in the air. In the context of sky burials, Tibetan Buddhism teaches that lighting mulberry smoke creates a vibrant path and respectfully invites the Dakini to the sky burial site. The deceased’s body is offered to the gods, seeking to absolve the person’s sins during their lifetime and asking the gods to guide their soul into reincarnation.

During a sky burial ceremony, if vultures quickly consume the corpse, it is seen as an auspicious sign. It suggests the person had no remaining sins, and a new life cycle is starting. It signifies the person amassed all the good deeds and virtues in their lifetime. However, if the corpse is not eaten promptly, it implies the person committed significant wrongdoings in life, making it challenging for the soul to reincarnate. This brings great distress to the family. In such cases, they would cremate the remains in the presence of Lamas and monks who offer prayers and chants to bless the spirit of the departed, aiming to free it from the body and cleanse it of all sins.”


Sky burial is a unique way to bury the body, it’s very disturbing for the person who doesn’t know the Idea and motive behind it.

As I did my research about it, many things came across my mind,

What comes to the mind of the family when Vultures devour the body of their loved one? How do they feel about it?

Then I realize this is not about how they feel its more about the person leaving his/her soul, on the way to rebirth.

If you look closely at the steps, you will understand that each step is very important for the rebirth of the soul. Yes, it looks like a cruel thing to do However, delving deeper, I realized that this ritual transcends the visceral reactions of the living. It is a profound act of entrusting one’s soul to the journey of rebirth.

When scrutinizing the intricacies of the procedure, it becomes evident that each step holds immense significance for the soul’s journey into the next life. The offering to the vultures symbolizes a liberation from the physical form, a shedding of worldly attachments. It signifies a transformative passage from one state of being to another — a step crucial for the soul’s onward journey.

In essence, while sky burial may challenge our sensibilities and preconceptions about death and farewell, it epitomizes a belief system deeply rooted in reverence for life, the cycle of existence, and the ultimate liberation of the soul. It beckons us to reflect on the profound ways in which diverse cultures perceive the transitions of life and death, prompting us to contemplate the mysteries of our own existence.

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