Designing Marketing Campaigns: Market Segmentation

How to Design Marketing Campaigns: The Importance of Market Segmentation

Myk Pono
The Marketing Playbook
25 min readFeb 21, 2017


This article shares the process involved in designing successful marketing campaigns. The goal is to outline practical strategies and tactics that are vital in launching high ROI marketing campaigns. Its primary focus is SaaS (or enterprise) companies at any growth stage. Even experienced marketing teams should be able to find one or two ideas that are worth testing.

Why should you care? Don’t we know all about running marketing campaigns by now? While there are tons of resources written on marketing and marketing campaigns, many/most are not comprehensive and others are missing essential strategic steps in the process. And more importantly — there are still plenty of poorly designed marketing campaigns.

Tech companies often fail at marketing because they take a fundamentally flawed approach to designing marketing strategy and campaigns. Subpar marketing leads to “me-too” uninspiring content on corporate blogs with insignificant social shares and superficiality from the target audience’s viewpoint. Tech companies struggle to create strategic messaging to describe their products and use undifferentiated messages, jargon and superlatives. The end result is that marketing drains significant resources on paid acquisition campaigns that have no market segmentation or designated landing pages.

