Hidden obsession

Peter Eszes
3 min readOct 30, 2013

When i bought my Nike Fuelband it wasn’t something new. In fact there where some alternatives such as Fitbit One, Jawbone UP (2) with solid background and Misfit was also collecting money to reach their goal on indiegogo at that time. I wasn’t early adopter by far, not even in my own social circle, therefor I knew exactly how others related to wearables, time of engagement and interest. When, why others “throw away” their gadget, what’s the ups and downs with these gadgets and the service behind them etc.. Read all the reviews, watched all the videos to make my decision.

And boy i was happy with it.

Switched off the stupid calories and steps instantly so I was alone with my points and the daily goal of 3000. For 33 weeks that goal made me check my points every day and move more if it looked like I won’t reach it. Lot of the time reaching the goal seemed unfair as I was collecting more points by playing table tennis than lifting weights for example, non the less i forced myself to move more. Until one day the function button stopped working. The fuelband was still working as it was collecting data and I was able to sync it with my computer but it was broken, what i could not bear about such device. After contacting nike they sent a guy to ship the device back to them for inspection in order to deice wether it is eligible for a replacement or not. First I was impressed with the brand and how smoothly everything went.

Just to wait a month without any information.

When they finally got back to me it was only an about 10 business day delivery of a new device. After being very happy about it, sadness came that now I have no reason at all to buy a [new] different device.

Since i’m using the second fuelband, my relationship with it changed. Setting a goal of 3000, removing steps and calories was still the first thing to do but I no longer check daily if i reached the goal, do not force myself to move more (no matter if I will not hit the target). Even the bracelet bothers me from time-to-time. But I do keep; wearing it, being “upset” if I did not reache a goal, even if it was several days ago (the syncing rate went down to one-two days, from one-two weeks), forcing myself to move more but in a different way. Instead of watching my point during the day now I just know how much I have to move in order to achieve my goal.

What’s hidden? What’s the obsession? The obsession is about my points, more precisely about my goals and it is hidden because I no longer have to keep an eye on it, force myself to walk instead of commuting, take the stairs instead of the elevators it all comes naturally now.

