Week-2: Introduction to Hydra Configuration Management in Machine Learning Projects

Mohammad Zeynali
5 min readSep 2, 2024


In machine learning projects, managing configurations effectively is crucial for maintaining clarity, reproducibility, and flexibility. Hydra, a popular open-source configuration management tool in Python, provides a powerful framework to manage complex configurations. This blog post will explore how Hydra is used in a machine learning project to handle various configurations, leveraging the setup you have shared.

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Overview of the Project Structure

The provided project appears to be structured to leverage Hydra for configuration management, alongside other tools like PyTorch Lightning for model training and WandB for experiment tracking. Here’s a breakdown of the key components:

  1. Configuration Files: The project has a directory named configs containing multiple subdirectories (model, processing, training) and a main configuration file (config.yaml). Each subdirectory has a default.yaml file specifying different configuration aspects for model parameters, data processing, and training.
  2. Model Definition (model.py): This script defines a PyTorch Lightning module named ColaModel using a BERT model for sequence classification. It includes methods for training and validation, and metrics tracking.
  3. Training Script (train.py): This script handles the training pipeline, utilizing Hydra to load configurations and PyTorch Lightning to train the model. It also integrates with WandB for logging metrics and visualizing results.

Understanding Hydra Configuration

Hydra is designed to make configuration management flexible and hierarchical, allowing configurations to be easily overridden and extended. Here’s how Hydra is employed in this project:

The config.yaml file serves as the main configuration file in the project, leveraging Hydra to manage different aspects of the configuration. Here’s a breakdown of its structure and components:

Overview of config.yaml

- model: default
- processing: default
- training: default
- override hydra/job_logging: colorlog
- override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog

0. Main Config file

This config.yaml file uses the defaults list to define the base configurations that Hydra will use. The defaults list is a Hydra feature that allows specifying which configuration files to load by default and in what order. Here’s what each line in the defaults section does:

0.1. model: default

  • Purpose: Specifies the default configuration file for the model setup.
  • Location: This refers to the default.yaml file located in the configs/model/ directory.
  • Contents: The default.yaml file under model defines the model name and tokenizer settings, which are necessary for loading and using a specific model architecture and tokenizer in the project.

0.2. processing: default

  • Purpose: Specifies the default configuration for data processing parameters.
  • Location: Refers to the default.yaml file located in the configs/processing/ directory.
  • Contents: This file includes settings like batch_size and max_length, which are critical for defining how data is batched and the maximum sequence length used during model training or inference.

0.3. training: default

  • Purpose: Specifies the default configuration for training parameters.
  • Location: Refers to the default.yaml file located in the configs/training/ directory.
  • Contents: This file includes various training settings such as the number of epochs (max_epochs), logging intervals (log_every_n_steps), and other options like deterministic mode and limits on train/validation batches. These parameters control the training process and ensure it is reproducible.

0.4. override hydra/job_logging: colorlog

  • Purpose: Overrides the default Hydra logging configuration for job-level logging.
  • Functionality: colorlog is a logger provided by Hydra that outputs logs with color-coded messages, making it easier to read and debug logs during model training and experimentation. By overriding hydra/job_logging, this configuration ensures that all log messages related to specific jobs (runs of the training script) are formatted with colors.

0.5. override hydra/hydra_logging: colorlog

  • Purpose: Overrides the default Hydra logging configuration for Hydra’s internal logging.
  • Functionality: This setting ensures that the internal logs generated by Hydra (such as loading configurations, handling overrides, etc.) are also formatted using colorlog. This provides consistency in log formatting and helps in distinguishing Hydra's logs from other logs in the project.

Key Points

  • Centralized Configuration Management: By listing these default configurations in config.yaml, Hydra allows the project to maintain a clean and centralized management of settings across different aspects (model, processing, training).
  • Override Flexibility: The use of the override keyword demonstrates Hydra’s flexibility in altering default behaviors, such as logging settings, without modifying the original configuration files.
  • Modular and Extensible: This setup is modular, meaning you can easily add or change configurations by modifying or adding new entries to the defaults list. This flexibility is valuable in machine learning projects where experimentation with different settings is frequent.

1. Config Directory Structure

The configs directory is the central place where all configurations are stored. The structure is as follows:

  • configs/model/default.yaml: Specifies the model configuration, including the name of the model and the tokenizer used:
name: google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2   # Model used for training the classifier
tokenizer: google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2 # Tokenizer used for processing the data
  • configs/processing/default.yaml: Contains data processing parameters like batch size and maximum sequence length:
batch_size: 64
max_length: 128
  • configs/training/default.yaml: Defines training parameters such as the number of epochs, logging frequency, and batch limits:
max_epochs: 1
log_every_n_steps: 10
deterministic: true
limit_train_batches: 0.25
limit_val_batches: ${training.limit_train_batches}

2. Using Hydra in the Training Script

The train.py the script utilizes Hydra to manage configurations. Here’s how it integrates:

@hydra.main(config_path="./configs", config_name="config")
def main(cfg):
logger.info(OmegaConf.to_yaml(cfg, resolve=True))
logger.info(f"Using the model: {cfg.model.name}")
logger.info(f"Using the tokenizer: {cfg.model.tokenizer}")

cola_data = DataModule(
cfg.model.tokenizer, cfg.processing.batch_size, cfg.processing.max_length
cola_model = ColaModel(cfg.model.name)

# Set up trainer, logger, and callbacks
wandb_logger = WandbLogger(project="MLOps Basics", entity="raviraja")
trainer = pl.Trainer(
callbacks=[checkpoint_callback, SamplesVisualisationLogger(cola_data), early_stopping_callback],
trainer.fit(cola_model, cola_data)

In this script, @hydra.main decorator specifies the configuration directory and file name. When main() is invoked, Hydra automatically loads configurations from the specified path (./configs) and merges them into a single cfg object. This object (cfg) is then used throughout the script to access configuration parameters in a structured manner.

3. Benefits of Using Hydra

  • Modularity: Hydra enables a modular configuration setup where each configuration aspect (model, data processing, training) can be defined independently and combined as needed.
  • Ease of Experimentation: By using Hydra, switching between different models, datasets, or training parameters becomes straightforward. This facilitates rapid experimentation and iteration.
  • Clear Configuration Management: All configurations are centrally located and can be easily overridden or extended, making the project more maintainable and understandable.

Codes are here:


Hydra is a powerful tool for managing configurations in machine learning projects, particularly when combined with frameworks like PyTorch Lightning and tools like WandB. The structured approach to configuration management provided by Hydra not only makes projects more flexible and easier to maintain but also significantly enhances reproducibility and scalability. By employing Hydra in your machine learning workflows, you can streamline the process of model development and experiment management, leading to more efficient and organized projects.



Mohammad Zeynali

Generative AI | Data Scientist l Machine Learning Engineer | MLOps l Edge Architect