Israel delegate: UN Headquarters Must be Wiped off the Face of Earth

I admire how tolerant and civilized these people are!

Nour Alhakk
3 min readAug 20, 2024
Photo by Jonathan Ansel Moy de Vitry on Unsplash

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, said that “the UN building must be closed and wiped off the face of the earth.”

The Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post quoted Erdan on Tuesday as saying, “This building may look beautiful from the outside, but it is crooked and deformed,” referring to the United Nations building in New York.

On his plans, Erdan said he sees himself in the future as the leader of the Likud party after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

This is not the first time Erdan has attacked the UN, citing his call last month for the closure of the UN compound in Jerusalem and the deportation of the heads of agencies based in Israel to “send a clear message that the continued bias and exploitation of the UN against Israel will come at a price.”

Erdan is a Likud leader who has repeatedly attacked UN Secretary-General António Guterres and the United Nations Relief and…



Nour Alhakk

An avid writer with invaluable knowledge in religion, history, and politics.