Steve Harvey: All Religions Lead to Heaven!

Nour Alhakk
6 min readSep 14, 2022

Even if that’s true, it won’t solve the Arab-Israeli conflict

Screen Capture from “How Steve Harvey Prays” (Source: YouTube/The Official Steve Harvey)

How much money did the United Arab Emirates give Steve Harvey to produce this video?!

How Steve Harvey Prays shows the “Family Feud” host at Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque in the UAE, wearing the traditional Arab dress for men ( dishdasha ). Next to him stands his wife, Marjorie, wearing the Hijab and the traditional Arab dress for women (abaya).

Don’t worry!

If you’re planning to attend the FIFA World Cup games in Qatar this November, you’re not expected to wear a dishdasha “to show respect.” Your wife, mother, sister, or girlfriend is not expected to wear a Hijab or abaya “to show tolerance.” There are already thousands of Westerners who live in the Arab Gulf states. The way they dress at work and in public places is the same way they do in Europe or America.

Mr. Harvey was hired by (or ‘bought by’) the United Arab Emirates to push the message of the Abrahamic Accord. The Abrahamic Accord is about Zionist normalization, signed by ‘Israel,’ the UAE, and the US.

The Abrahamic House is a project set to be completed next year in Abu Dhabi and will contain houses of worship for the three Abrahamic faiths, meaning there will be a synagogue, mosque, and church.



Nour Alhakk

An avid writer with invaluable knowledge in religion, history, and politics.