My Experience with Flask and Bokeh plus a small tutorial (kinda)

Nicholas Marey
5 min readApr 19, 2019


When I set out on my first python project journey, I had a clear goal in mind. I wanted to be able to scrape and schedule the data download to happen automatically without any user input, which I detailed in my first post. Next I needed to store the data I just scraped and describe putting it into a MongoDB, as well as using Beautiful Soup to scrape more data and create a data visualization with Altair. All of which can be read in my second post.

For my third installment, I wanted to be able to display the data visualizations and any analysis on a website. To accomplish this task I chose to use Flask and Bokeh. I chose Flask over Django because I read that Flask was a lightweight framework whereas Django was a full stack framework and I really just wanted something that I could use to quickly develop a base concept. Hence, based on that little piece of information I went with Flask. My decision to go with Bokeh really was based on reading a few blog posts and knowing that I would probably be better off just making a choice and moving on. So Bokeh it was!

To start, I did the most basic task in flask…creating the “Hello World” app on the Flask homepage. Quickly moving on, I found the Creating Interactive Bokeh Applications with Flask tutorial, where I would be using the Iris data set to create interactive histograms. After a short read through the tutorial, I picked up some of what the author was saying. For example, I understood that the name parameter in the URL was then being passed to Flask but that did not directly apply to my project, at least not at this stage. Eventually, I got to the part where the author was using a Jinja2 template to create a drop-down menu which then updated the Bokeh plot…yea that went over my head. Instead I tried to R&D, retrieve and duplicate, the author’s work by copying and pasting the author’s code into Sublime and altering it to work for my application.

I started by creating a function to create a plot and passing that into the def index(): statement. But many bugs were encountered but alas Terminex was closed.

The first bug I found was looking at the HTML template, I saw that the code was using Bokeh version 0.12.5, but when I looked on my machine I saw I was using version 1.0.2. I promptly made the necessary adjustments to the HTML template and like magic my plot appeared.

Figure 1. The proof of concept finally worked!!!

Next, to add interactivity I added the select widget which would create a drop down menu and then I could select one value to change my graph, or so I thought. My code ran successfully and the widget appeared but the graph did not change upon selecting a new value.

Since I did not have a sound foundation in Flask nor Bokeh I went to the Bokeh documentation and copied a simple example to see if I could get that to work. Choosing the Sliders example, I copied the code into a Jupyter Notebook with the added line of output_notebook() which made the plot appear. But to my dismay I was greeted with an error.

Figure 1. Error Message From Jupyter Notebook Attempt

Seeing that only JavaScript callback may be used with standalone output, I started to look for how to implement the CustomJS callback instead of using the event handler .on_change(). Following the first example from the JavaScript Callbacks page in the Bokeh documentation I was able to implement a working interactive plot!

Figure 2. Working interactive plot using CustomJS

Even though I found success there was a major flaw…I’m a statistician who doesn’t know JavaScript!!! What a cruel world. I looked into the Bokeh documentation more, and saw that it was possible to embed a Bokeh server in a flask server, interesting. Looking back at the documentation I saw in the Adding Widgets section that I use Bokeh serve to start the Bokeh server and set up event handlers with .on_change (or for some widgets, .on_click). Immediately after reading this line it clicked and I found the flask_embed example.

Following the example I was able to generate my first interactive plot with Bokeh and Flask!

Figure 3. Upon initialization
Figure 4. Using a 7 day average as a smoothing function chosen with the interactive widget

Now to change the example to fit my own needs, which resulted in the figure below.

Figure 5 and 6. First app! Although had difficulties with the scaling.

So a lot is going on in this example. First I import all required libraries and then define a function, called modify_doc(), that will create my plots. In the function, I need to create a connection to my MongoDB, query said database, and then perform a little cleaning because I didn’t clean my data before hitting the database, rookie error. Next, I create my plots by calling figure(). From there I start the bokeh server, and then the flask server. And with a little bit of magic I have my first web app!

However, these graphs are merely displaying points and I would like to perform some analysis. That’s where a general additive model comes into play. Using the general additive model, I am able to model the probability that pitch will be called a strike depending on where it crosses home plate. As you can see in the graph below the strike zone is not a square but more of an ellipse!

Figure 5. Probability of a called strike given where the ball crosses the plate, computed via a general additive model

Now, my next steps will include performing more analysis like that of the general additive model and putting it into my Flask app in order to tell a story with data.

