How to Build Confidence and Overcome Self-Doubt

Feedback can be the most important

Nick McKenna
5 min readJun 23, 2023
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:


Confidence is not something we’re born with, but rather something we must earn. If you want to become confident, you’ll have to put in the work. Building confidence takes time and effort, so here are some ways to build your confidence step by step.

Talk to yourself like you would a Friend

When you talk to yourself, are you kind and supportive? Do you tell yourself that everything will be okay, or do you berate yourself for any mistakes made?

I’m sure we all have had moments where we were not kind to ourselves. We may have said something like “I’m such an idiot!” when we made a mistake or didn’t get the right answer on a test. The problem with this is that it can lead us down a path of self-doubt and low self-esteem. When we talk negatively about ourselves in our heads, then it becomes easier for other people around us (or even ourselves) to do so as well!

Ditch the Small Talk and ask Big Questions

When you ask big questions, you’re forced to think outside the box and see things from a different perspective. This can help you get out of your comfort zone and become more creative.



Nick McKenna

Mental health blogger, fiction writer, and freelancer.