Using the duodecimal system will make your day-to-day life much easier

Nicoló Patti
3 min readJan 6, 2020

Nowadays, all over the world we are accustomed, as humans, to count by blocks of 10, therefore using the decimal system.

However, even though it is nearly universally adopted, the decision to adopt the decimal system as a basis for our counting has been completely arbitrary.

In fact, in history humans all over the world have developed countless different numerical systems, many of which were bizarre and very different from what we use today, like the one used by shepherds in Medieval Lincolnshire, which was on base-20, or the base-27 body-derived system used by the Oksapmin people of Papua New Guinea. These models were developed on the basis of the culture of the people that developed it, and what they used counting for.

The most likely reason why we decided to adopt the decimal system relates to our anatomy, we have five fingers on each hand. Anyway, as many mathematicians like to point out, base-10 is not very comfortable and easy to use in everyday life, it has some problems.

These problems are mainly related to the fact that its divisibility is restricted, in fact 10 is divisible only by 2, and 5.

Therefore, some people argues that we should, at least for our day-to-day operations, consider the option to adopt a…

