2 min readDec 1, 2017


This is a very good article; none of the facts mentioned are incorrect, it is well researched, and even though the conclusions are freely made up, they are supported by as many speculative quotes as possible. As in “X thinks that he wants to…”. This is not a false statement — many people have many opinions and the article simply focuses on those people who have negative opinions on Bentinho.

Add to that many excerpts that are impossible to understand without larger content, and a hit piece is born.

One has to understand that any Guru will attract people that want to put him down — over the history of mankind, most who spoke the truth have actually been killed by their fellow humans. Comparatively, this is pretty civilized.

Read between the lines and there’s actually nothing of substance to any of the accusations — no one’s setting up for suicide, the term “harvest” is straight out of the “law of one”, a free volume of work anyone can look up, and which explains the concept in detail (it has nothing to do with suicide). No one’s setting up a cult — Bentinho actually moved to Sedona and started over, rather than keep his exisitng Boulder group going.

Building a place like an ashram is a normal desire on this path, just like all the indian Gurus build them. It greatly helps seekers to have a refuge where they can shed their lifelong programming in order to exit the matrix. This is not unique to Bentinho — it’s the case with all spiritual paths that are serious.

One of his often repeated core principles is to not follow any Guru, to only follow your inner guidance. Not exactly helping in building a cult, I suppose, and so it was not mentioned here.

Mainstream media brainwashing is threatened by people like Bentinho and so it will strike back any way it can, consciously or unconsciously. I do appreciate that this was executed here with some integrity. The bias is rather obvious but it will be enough for those who want to believe it (because otherwise, if they start listening to Bentinho or other humanity awakeners, their world will fall apart). Bravo!

I’ve been following Bentinho’s work for nearly 2 years and I have been to 2 retreats, which were wonderful. No cult like activities have been observed. His main teachings are free at trinfinity academy so everyone can actually judge for themselves if this is helpful in their life or not. It is a very clear, core teaching, without many concepts, in the tradition of Ramana Maharshi and for the empowerment side a bit like Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka.

Tech Bro guru is a cute headline but cult? Nah. You could make the exact same arguments about pretty much anyone with 30k instagram followers.

