Imagine cinemas, nobel prizes and restaurants were organized like schools

1 min readNov 7, 2016



Imagine the government would make everyone of the same age watch the same movie.

Would this be a movie you liked? Suppose whoever picked the movie tried to find one that interests most people. Still, tastes are different, and you might be disappointed. But whoever picks the movie might not even care what people like. Maybe he’d just choose the next best movie. Maybe he’d choose a movie that he likes personally. Maybe he’d choose a movie that was supposed to inspire people to become good and obedient citizens.

That’s how the curriculim is made.

Nobel Prizes

Imagine instead of distinct prizes for physics, literature, peace, etc., there’d be one price for everything. If you had just made an outstanding contribution to physics, but none to literature and peace, you wouldn’t get a price. But you’d get a prize if you wrote a mediocre paper in physics, a passable short story and prevented a bar fight.

That’s how school works. No matter how good you are in physics (or anything), if you’re bad in other subjects, you’ll fail.


Imagine the government would force-feed everyone’s children. Food is after all important, and some parents might not feed their children right.

Such are the excuses for compulsory schooling.

