How to Make a Website on Google Sites

3 min readJun 12, 2024


How to Make a Website on Google Sites

Do you want to make your own website? Google Sites is a simple and free tool that can help you create a website quickly. Follow these easy steps to get started.

Step-by-Step Guide to Create a Website on Google Sites

1. Sign In To Google Sites

First, you need a Google account. If you don’t have one, create it. Then, go to Google Sites and sign in with your Google account.

2. Create A New Site

Once you’re signed in, click on the “Create” button. You can choose a template or start with a blank page. Templates make it easier, but a blank page gives you full control.

3. Name Your Site

Give your site a name. This will be the title of your website. Make sure it’s something easy to remember and related to your content.

4. Add Pages

Click on the “Pages” tab. Here, you can add different pages to your website, like Home, About, Contact, etc. Click on the “+” button to add a new page.

5. Customize Your Site

Now, you can add text, images, and other content to your pages. Click on the “Insert” tab and choose what you want to add. You can also change the layout and theme of your site.

6. Publish Your Site

When you’re happy with your site, click the “Publish” button. Choose a web address for your site, and click “Publish” again. Now, your website is live!

Creating a website on Google Sites is that simple! But, what if you want your website to stand out and attract more visitors? That’s where Affpilot AI comes in handy.

Boost Your Website with Affpilot AI

After making your website on Google Sites, the next step is to fill it with amazing content. Affpilot AI can help you with that. Here’s how:

What Is Affpilot Ai?

Affpilot AI is a powerful tool that helps you create up to 1,000 SEO-optimized articles. Whether you need information articles, product reviews, or biographies, Affpilot AI can do it all with just one click.

Why Choose Affpilot Ai?

Here are some reasons why Affpilot AI is the best choice for your website:

  • Effortless Publishing: Create and publish 1,000 articles to your website with one click.
  • Smart Keyword Integration: Affpilot AI uses smart keywords to help your content rank higher on search engines.
  • SEO-friendly Images: Automatic SEO-friendly featured images for your articles.
  • Advanced SEO Tools: Use tools like topical map generators, keyword research, and clustering to improve your content strategy.
  • Multilingual Support: Create content in different languages to reach a wider audience.

How Affpilot Ai Can Help You

Imagine having a website with lots of content that attracts visitors every day. With Affpilot AI, you can:

  • Save Time: No need to write articles yourself. Affpilot AI does it for you.
  • Increase Traffic: SEO-optimized content helps your website rank higher, bringing more visitors.
  • Grow Your Audience: Multilingual content means you can reach people from different parts of the world.
  • Stay Ahead: With advanced SEO tools, your content will always be up-to-date and relevant.
How to Make a Website on Google Sites
How to Make a Website on Google Sites

Join the Successful Users of Affpilot AI

Over 5,000 users trust Affpilot AI to create and manage their website content. There’s also a strong community of 35,000 SEO experts on Facebook who can help you with tips and advice.

Make the Smart Choice Today!

Creating a website on Google Sites is just the beginning. To make your website successful, you need great content. Affpilot AI is the ultimate tool to help you achieve that.

Don’t wait! Start using Affpilot AI today and see the difference it makes for your website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Google Sites?

Google Sites is a free website builder by Google.

How Do I Start With Google Sites?

Sign in to Google Sites with your Google account.

Is Google Sites Free To Use?

Yes, Google Sites is completely free.

Can I Use My Own Domain With Google Sites?

Yes, you can link your custom domain.

