God accepting the new world order

A take on how Eve rejuvenated the garden of Eden from ruins

Mohammad Naved Tak
2 min readAug 5, 2021

Covid has made me even more religious. Who is it who has saved the world from the Covid crisis when there was no hope and everything was in despair? It was none other than MSG- Messenger of God. No I dont mean Baba Ram Rahim. It was a new born messenger with a James Bond movielike codename- the Messenger-RNA vaccine. The technique is credited the most that enabled vaccine develpment in a span of less than a year. But there was a big difference this time that went unnoticed. It seems like God has accepted the new world order. He chose a woman to deliver this message. BioNTech’s Katalin Kariko.

The move was revolutionary not only in the field of science but also in the messaging department- both dominated by males

Barbie bowing down

Dolls had to accept this new world order. Barbies were always seen as a product that objectifies women with universal beauty standards- white, caucasian, tall and slim figured girls in their teens with big blue eyes. Over the years Barbie has attempted to be more inclusive by introducing people of colour and body positivity- For example, Barbie fashionistas. Barbie has taken another step in this direction by introducing Sarah Gilbert’s doll. Don’t tell me you don’t know who Sarah Gilbert it? She is the reason why so many people across the world and especially developing nations were able to manage a vaccine shot- Astrazeneca’s Vaxzervia vaccine.

