Analytics That Facilitate Executions Throughout the Trading Life CycleUX Enhancements through Component RefinementsSep 13, 2020Sep 13, 2020
Holistic Assessment Inspires Product EnhancementsA Centralized Workspace to Promote Oversight and ConsistencyJan 16, 2018Jan 16, 2018
Almost 40% Increase in Completed Auto Loan ApplicationsSeamless Application Experience for Mobile UsersJan 8, 2018Jan 8, 2018
Guided Process for Case Processing and ComplianceHealth Insurance Provider — Claims, Appeals & GrievancesSep 28, 2017Sep 28, 2017
Make It Clear, Fast & EasyA New Start for a Windows-based Desktop ApplicationAug 23, 2015Aug 23, 2015
Combining Gaming, Social Interaction & Physical FitnessAn Apple Watch app that combines Nintendo’s most popular console games with the physical engagement of their Wii Fit U.Aug 23, 20152Aug 23, 20152
Expanding Impact for Social GoodIntroducing individual-to-organization transfers in a peer-to-peer payment appAug 21, 2015Aug 21, 2015