Why You Should Never Stop Dreaming.

Have a dream? Go follow it.

Nabanita Dhar
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

We all have dreams, don’t we? Dreams of being the most successful person at work. Dreams of having the perfect figure. Dreams of writing that book that you always wanted to. But then life comes in between and those dreams are tucked away in the attics of our lives for that one day in the future. Feels bad but what can you do?

Well, believe me, I know how that feels when you are forced to keep aside your dream for something else. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go back to it. And sooner.

As a kid, I never really gave much thought to what I wanted to be or do in life. Naturally, I followed by father’s advice and studied to become an engineer. At this point in my life, I’m a full time working mom with a very naughty toddler at home. That’s my life. But is that the only life I want?

No, not really. I always had an inclination to write as a little girl. The fascination grew with time and now it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to say that writing is my passion. You might say what’s new there? Whose isn’t?

But hear me out. Writing makes me happy. It gives me a sense of purpose amidst the million other things that I juggle. It gives me a chance to me more than just a mom or a wife. And I need that. Also, in writing lives my dream. Yes, a dream to write something that stays long after I’m gone. That is what gives me hope and the will to find time to write even when 24 hours seem too less in a day.

I don’t know if my dream of having that piece written and read will ever be realized. But just the existence of this dream is the ammunition I need to keep pursuing it. The journey is what gives me comfort. And also a hope that maybe someday, just maybe, that dream will become true. So, I’m going to keep dreaming and pursuing it with full fervor. And so should you.

Never stop dreaming because without dreams so many wonderful things would have never come to be.



Nabanita Dhar

Nabanita Dhar is a Software Engineer, Freelance Writer, Blogger and working mom. Author of Letters in Ice.