3 min readSep 9, 2024

Breathe Easy: The Art of Inner Peace

Breathe easy — it’s more than just a saying.

Sipping coffee on a balcony as gentle rain drizzles outside, driving peacefully along endless roads, strolling barefoot by the seaside, lying in bed hooked up by the room’s ambience, and bowing in prayer with a deep breath — these moments of tranquillity are the mental peace which I envision holding onto amidst the chaos of the world.

In reality, many of us experience these situations in our quest for calmness and inner peace through judgmental queries:

  • What are you doing?
  • Are you okay? Why are you standing here?
  • Where are you going? We’re all coming with you.
  • Kids jumping on the bed and yelling loudly.
  • Listening to everyone’s endless complaints.

Moments of mental calm can seem like a luxury in the ultimate changing world. We are constantly bombarded with the never-ending demands of life. Stress and anxiety are commonplace in the brain and heart.

Our breath bridges our conscious and unconscious mind, impacting our emotional states through rhythm and depth.

A stressed person will always undergo rapid and shallow breathing. On the contrary, a mindful and relaxed person will have a slow and deep breath.

Techniques such as deep breathing and mindfulness activities can help to manage emotions and maintain inner peace.

The Inner Earthquakes

The sad reality of society is that we seek our inner peace in others while it lies within us.

The inner peace of the common man is shattered as he doesn’t get enough space beyond his infinite responsibilities. Some of them cut up their peace, converted into workaholics, and steered toward increasing the sustainability of growing businesses.

  • Expectations

The greatest obstacle to mental peace is expectations. Specific thoughts or expectations about others can lead to negative reactions. We must learn to accept others’ mindsets and let them lead their lives according to their choices.

  • Jealousy

Another major factor that disrupts mental peace is jealousy. We often feel upset by others’ leverages and successes. However, what they achieve is a result of their fate, just as what we have today is a part of our destiny.

  • Insecurity

The third factor is fear and insecurity. The fear of unexpected losses in future. The insecurities of unconsciousness desires. Moreover, the presence of deceivers has left unresolved scars in the environment, disrupting inner peace.

  • Loving nature

The fourth factor is being overly caring. A tendency to absorb others’ pain, coupled with a compassionate heart and a willingness to listen, can disrupt mental peace. The positivity and negativity of the world make it essential to establish boundaries and refrain from becoming too entangled in others’ matters.

Key Factors to Boost Inner Peace

Stop Being Flattery:

(i) The most important factor is to prioritize yourself.

(ii) Compromise only on acceptable terms.

(iii) Establish healthy boundaries with all.

(iv) Let others choose the best options for themselves.

Stop Overthinking:

(i) Past has no rewind button nor pause. And, the future remains uncertain.

(ii) Release yourself and focus on the positivity of the present.

(iii) Calm your brain and distance yourself from constant mind chatter.

Confront your Mental Health:

(i) Sometimes we are physically fit but our brains narrate us of being sick. Ignore such voices.

(ii) It’s a temporary condition — counter with some positive emotions.

(iii) Push yourself to do creative work.

(iv) Change your lifestyle and help to prevent depression.

Bow before your God:

(i) Person-to-person conversation is not worthy of person to God. Speak to him if you believe his existence.

(ii) Embrace your present situation, as it’s different for everyone.

(iii) Kneel in prayer and release your sorrows to Him.

Life is a challenging route with millions of uncertainties. We can ground ourselves, and calm our minds by consciously connecting with our breath.

Embrace this art of inner peace, allowing each breath to guide you toward a more balanced, centred, and harmonious state of being.

Take a deep breath and breathe easy — peace is just a breath away.


Hello, I am Nabeeha from Pakistan. Writing is my passion and want to explore myself as a writer. Hope to be together in a long journey.