Why Quiet Person Is The Most Dangerous?

Nabil Bof
4 min readSep 15, 2020


Quiet Person-calm person-dangerous men

The expression “Beware Of The Quiet Ones” is a sign of warning because they can be manipulative, observant, and deceptive. Also, a quiet person is assumed by people as weak, idiotic, naive, pathetic, and afraid.

But they forget that a quiet person could be the most dangerous one, wears a mask to cover his hidden weapon to use in the exact situation.

Seriously!!? If I’m one of the thousands of quite persons, that means it’s a real danger?

Quietness in Psychology:

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?…. Are you a Loud or Silent?

This is one of the most tricky questions to shrink the identity of a quiet person in two options and force him/her to choose only one category.

Quietness is a choice to be more outspoken in specific scenarios or more withdrawn in others based on psychological safety situation. Moreover, quiet people prefer to feel safe to express their opinions without the fear of being judged by others wrongly and waste energy to justify every word they say.

Quietness is Good?

Unfortunately, for us as Westerners, a quiet personality means something is wrong, and a warning to take your caution as possible as we can. Instead of that, in Japan (example), quietness is a clear sign of respect, wisdom, and personal distance.

Being a quiet person is the freedom to be yourself. It’s a sane choice that can earn many benefits :

1. Learning from others quickly: staying quiet can give you the chance to get many pieces of information from others, and by walking in their shoes a quiet person understands diverse ways of thinking.

2. Avoid being judgmental: one of the worst mistakes can someone makes is to be quick judgmental and hasty to jump in conversations and critical situations. Keep calm and listen to different voices.

3. Pause and control the situation: Rather than, to move to go/back randomly and talking too much, quiet persons can pause, control their reactions, and think to find solutions and make a step to the safe side.

4. Being attractive more than others: Quiet men or women can easily attract others by their sane position, especially when quietness and strong body language be assembled in a hidden harmony.

Quiet men/women/kids

5.You can spend more time getting to know yourself: Quietness allows your internal voice to speak up and get familiarized with your inner-self. Moreover, you offer your mind a chance to analyze your actions, to understand your reactions system in current or in the next situations easily, and to accept yourself more and more.

However, Too much of Quietness can destroy you, and ruins your relationships with others…. Life is a balancing act; no less, no more.

Quiet personality traits:

3 days ago I went out to the street, randomly, I started asking people o describe Quiet person traits, and how they see him or her. Answers shocked me!!!!! :

A quiet person is a calm one, hushed, shy, introvert, weird, weak psychically, peaceful, dangerous, restful, no! he`s doubtful….etc.

As we see! Here is a significant conflict of opinions and prejudices, then, no one of these is true 100%.

Psychologically, the Main character trait for a quiet Person might be is silence and smartness, because it`s attached to a high analysis ability of events and other`s actions, not necessary at all that quiet person could be just humble, modest, afraid, dangerous, or even weak…it`s something deeper than that.

Furthermore, many quiet persons are far from these superficial definitions, and as an individual conviction, they prefer to be simple, calm, and not interrupt others or take up too much space, just they venerate personal privacy and inner peace.

Dealing with a Quiet Person:

Creating a new relationship with others is not a kind of war we should win, instead of that, it could be a beautiful adventure to understand how other minds work and to learn accepting for different personalities we will meet in life.

Dealing with a quiet person is not an easy step but it`s possible, in condition, we understand the way that quiet person(kid, adult) like to be treated, and motivate him/her to show up his reaction as a clear confirmation that we accept his quietness, and we wish we can add this good feature in our persona too.

A quiet person can be sensitive if we try to push him to spotlight without his desire or consulting firstly. So, we always have to keep space and respect his decision.

The noisy versus quiet or extrovert versus introvert is just unfavorable labels and choosing a side is never a good thing for our communities in the long run. Seeing people from a narrow-angle can create social problems instead of creating collaboration opportunities between our generation and our kid’s generation. We need both quiet and noisy people.



Nabil Bof

I’m an SEO Expert/ SEO Writer- Blogger and an English Teacher for 5 years in American Language Center. Please feel free to say Hello, if you want to know me +