Few months later…

Nabila Azmi
2 min readAug 30, 2020


It’s been a while since I’ve wrote without thinking about work. I’m a writer and love to craft the words into a easy-to-understand sentences. But, I guess I am too lazy doing it.

Okay, let’s sums up for the past 6 months…

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

I am currently working at home, thankfully being fully paid and having my family that completely supports me. Since the pandemic began, the ritual of meeting other people has changed.

I no longer can laugh freely with my family and friends, outside our home, without a mask covered my mouth. It might happens to most people in this world.

At first, I or maybe most people thought that it won’t happen last long. But, the show is still going on.

People die every day and sadly their beloved ones couldn’t see them for the last time. Most people are scared, but there are some people tried to deny the pandemic’s reality. Maybe they try to protect themselves against the anxiety or get confused by rationalization.

Our habits as human are changing little by little and it might not be fade away even after this thing has vanished.

Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels

We all keep trying to survive and holding on to everything or everyone that can be held to. For everyone who can still work and keep your body and soul together at home, hang on until it passed. But, for people who have to go outside and sweating your blood to survive, I hope you are blessed with safety and stay healthy to protect those you care about at home.

It might be easy to say but a little of encouraging words won’t hurt, right?



Nabila Azmi

found the beauty in words and wanted to capture the whole world with sentences.