7 Things To Stop Doing In 2024

Victoria Y
8 min readOct 24, 2023

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — Buckminster Fuller.

To level up your life, you must release the things that are holding you down. Every year I choose 7 things I will not be taking with me in the new year. It's important to get clear about what you will leave behind and also what you will take with you into the new year.

Want a new year, then you have to be a new you or the year will just be a repeat of the last year. The majority of people and letting these 11 things go will allow you to fly into 2024 with confidence, strength and a positive mind.

Let's get into it.

1. Stop Worrying, Fear and Doubt

Credit: Nik Shulihin

I call worry, fear, and doubt the three thieve of a good life.

Worry, fear and doubt only keep you in a little prison of your own making. The door is wide open for you to get out but you decide to stay in and wait for some potential superhero to arrive.

Fun fact, a superhero is not coming. You are your hero.

Worry and fear are both stupid because you are expecting something bad to happen one day. Do you hate yourself so much that you expect something bad to happen to you? Why not expect good things to happen to you? You are a good person, so choose good. Let go of those limiting beliefs that a bunch of worriers gave to you and start to create some powerful belief in yourself. Start to believe that you deserve

No one knows what you are going through. It’s time for you to let go of the three thieves of life and replace them with the three musketeers.

The three musketeers are Self-confidence, self-assurance and optimism.

Develop these three and you will be flying to the moon.

“Worry pretends to be necessary but serves no useful purpose.”

- Eckhart Tolle (Author of The Power of Now)

2. Procrastination

Credit: Nubelson Fernandes

This is something that the majority of people struggle with and this is caused by lack of motivation. Procrastination can be overcome with discipline and self-control.

You got to get angry with where you are now and know you can do better. Anger can be motivating if used correctly towards your goals and dreams. We do not want to use anger for people or external things. We want to use anger to strive for better, for improvement. Positive anger towards where you are at and where you want to be can be a fuel that moves you towards that destination.

Most people are also procrastinating because they do not have a sense of direction.

You got to have a sense of direction. You need to know where you are going.

You are an artist. An artist knows what he is going to paint before he paints. Start getting a small idea of what you want to do in life. If you do not have an idea. Start working on things like your body, fitness, learning a new language, and getting a hobby and then from there you may find out what you like.

While wasting our time hesitating and procrastinating, life goes on.”

— Seneca.

3. STOP Judgment

Credit: Sasun Bughdayran

You become what you judge all the time.

If you keep on judging something, you are feeding it your attention and energy and whatever you give attention to, you too will become. If you are constantly judging people, things and yourself, you will only become a judgemental negative person.

Start to accept people for who they are and focus on yourself. You either judge or focus on yourself. When you mind your own business you usually appreciate more. There is something to appreciate in everyone from small things like their hairstyle to large things like their success, their kindness their good personality. There is always something to appreciate in everything, so be more appreciative in life. You become an apprecitive person instead of a judgmental person. Nobody likes a judgemental person. Make it a habit to find something small to appreciate in everything.

You will become an affable person and people will start to love being around you because you accept them the way they are. No judgment will also allow you to become a happier person.

Remember, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.

Might as well be quiet rather than judge or say something negative. Say good or stay quiet.

“You attract what you judge until you no longer judge
what you attract.”

- Matt Kahn.

4. Stop Gossiping and here is why

Credit: Ben White

This one is popular.

If you want to be successful then one habit you must develop is, “NO GOSSIP WHILST ON EARTH”.

All successful people, I mean all are self-focused.

They have zero time and energy to be gossiping about others. They are obsessed with their success and create those results.

Gossip is a waste of energy and you're giving free energy to the recipient. Use that energy to build your life because you will leave one day and that is how it is for everyone. Everyone Is creating their own life, do not interfere and get involved in their lives. You stick to yours. When you are gossiping you are neglecting your life and investing in someone else. Time to use that energy to build your life because I guarantee you nobody is coming to build it for you because it’s no one responsibility.

Gossiping is also negative energy and it only affects you and nobody else. You waste your valuable energy and never come back time on someone else. Have nothing good to say about someone and you know they are negative, you are aware of it but there is no need to speak about it. They may be a negative person or living an interesting life but no need to invest your energy into it. It's none of your business.

If someone is having a family problem, you are aware but you do not need to feed it your energy and speak. Be aware but never speak about it or invest your energy into it. You're just calling it to yourself and your life experiences.

Attention is the key to life. Whatever you give your attention to, you become. Whatever you concentrate on will come into your life. Remember, everyone is creating their own life. It's not your job to judge what they are creating. Focus on your painting and your life will be amazing.

5. Stop Overthinking

Zeyad Taha

This one drains more energy than any other bad habit. This one habit only destroys your peace and motivation. The best way to let go of overthinking is to let it go simply by making things appear simple.

Overthinking is a disease of the mind. Let it go and you will have a peaceful life. Take things simply. There is no need to deeply thinking about something that stresses you out. Know that everything will work out because the universe has your back. Overthinking means you are not present enough and more in the future.

You have to become more present in the moment. Your life will become more peaceful when you learn to stop overthinking. Successful people do not overthink. They make the decision and they turn that decision into reality. They never wonder “what if”, or “how is it going to happen”.

Let go of overthinking and know everything will be fine because it will be.

The opposite of overthinking is known as calmness. Calmness is power. When you are calm you have power and you hardly overthink things. You expect the best and receive the best.

“Don’t get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and overthinking leads to problems that don’t even exist in the first place.”
Jayson Engay

6. Stop living in the past

Credit: Hadija

You must learn to let go of the past. You are either living in the past or the present moment. You can only choose one, not both. Choose to be present in the moment because in this moment you can create a better future. Repeating the past only creates more of the past. If you want a different outcome you got to start obsessing over a new outcome. You will be obsessing over something so make it new, and powerful and make it something exciting. Your life is under your control. If you do not control it and create it deliberately you will just be creating the same thing over and over again like the majority of other people.

Take full control of your life and never waste a second on other people. Forgive the past and move on. Let it go and let god deal with those people who hurt you. Be kind to yourself and move on. It will become a habit once you choose to become present.

The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power.

- Unknown

7. Stop hating yourself

Credit: Markus Spiske

New year means new you.

No more hating yourself, no more being critical towards yourself.

It's time to be kind but disciplined. Self-love is all you need.

Self-love is the prerequisite to success. If you do not love yourself you will just sabotage your future and life. Start to love yourself and respect yourself so much that you will never waste a second on things that have nothing to do with your goals and dreams. Your goals and dreams require you to love yourself and believe you are worthy and deserving to achieve those dreams. Self-hate is only going to bring more unhappiness to yourself. Period.

I’ve seen too much hate to want to hate, myself.”

- Martin Luther King

Hope you enjoyed it. Share with a friend to inspire them to level up their new year.

