The 7 Traits Of An Alpha Personality

Victoria Y
6 min readOct 27, 2023

Where did Alpha come from? The term “alpha” was first coined by David Mech in his 1970 book “The Wolf: Ecology and Behavior of an Endangered Species.” Mech defined apex alpha males as the dominant males in wolf packs, who lead the pack and mate with the females.

Alpha is typically described as the dominant and the most powerful in the social group. The alpha leader mentality is confident, strong, assertive and in control of his environment. This concept is used for both females and males in the hierarchy status. It is rare to find alpha women however they do exist in small numbers compared to their male counterparts.

The Sigma Male (And Female) in Sexual Hierarchy

Alpha Male/Female Types make up a small percentage of people in the world compared to the other types of archetypes. Unlike Alpha, Beta Arhectype make up the majority of the population and that is normal. Not everyone was made to be an Alpha, Beta’s are also needed in society. Alpha are usually CEOs, Businessmen and Entrepreneurs. Beta usually makes up doctors, nurses and engineers in this world.

Let's explore the 7 most dominant traits of Alpha Archetypes:

1. Self-control

Alpha types are known to have a huge self-control and know how to control their feeling and emotions. You will never see an Alpha personality lose control of their emotion or behaviour. If someone angers them, they usually are cool and centred.

They have mastered the art of controlling their emotion. If you cannot control your emotions then you will surely be controlled by someone else. They also know how to handle haters. In their eyes, haters are their biggest fans. Yes, it's great to have fans who love you but know that not everybody will like you and that's okay. That is healthy.

A real example is when Robert Downey Jr was asked a humiliating question and the way he handled it was with self-control.

Downey Jr. kept his cool under pressure when others would get all defensive. You can see that the actor is visibly annoyed however he deflects this bad interview with a joke.

After 4 minutes you will see his reaction

2. Goal oriented

Alpha personalities are known to have a vision that they are always working on. Whether it self improvements, building a business or becoming a professional or expert at something they enjoy. Alphas always set themselves big goals not because of showing off but because of the self-transformation that occurs during the process of achieving the goal. Without a goal, you will be lost and drifting like everyone else.

Will Smith on Dreams

Without a goal, you will be building someone else dreams and goals. Here is a take where Will Smith talks about the importance of chasing your dreams and goals. Very short but inspirational.

3. Good Self Image

Alpha personalities not only have a strong inner core but also a powerful outer appearance. They know what looks good on them and what does not. They dress to please themselves. Alphas love to wear clothes that make them feel good. They are usually well groomed, take care of their physical fitness and make sure to look after every aspect of themselves.

Those who have a good self image do not let the opinion of others change their opinion of themselves. Alpha people know that there will be people who will hate on them and they do not take it personally because it is not personal to begin with.

People who hate are usually insecure. They only hate the best. The haters are threatened by the image you present in the world and they secretly want to be you. Alphas are always detached from other people's opinions. They know once they become attached they will be a victim of society and the world's noise.

Pierce Brosnan

4. Extreme Self-confident

Alpha personalities are known to be extremely confident in themselves. They do not need validation or compliments from others. They live off their own validation and compliments. They never feel the need to show off or gain some confirmation from others.

Alpha are very confident in their abilities to succeed in any endeavour they pursue and that is why they are super successful in their field. Alpha males are focused on themselves and always make sure to be the best in what they do. They do not shy from letting people know they are the best. Some prefer to be humble about it and keep it silent and others usually do not mind saying it however they both know it and that is what matters.

Cristiano Ronaldo

5. Being Alone

All alpha personalities spend most of their time alone. They understand the power that comes from being alone. Being alone allows you to get to know yourself more and control your inner world. If you learn to control the inner world, everything will be easier on the outside. You will not be controlled by desires and distractions on the outside. You will have complete control of yourself and that's real power.

6. High Standards

Alpha personalities set themselves high standards and they live to it. They are always pursuing excellence and believe the best about themselves. Excellence for them is a lifelong journey. They expect the best and choose to surround themselves with people who inspire them, and environments that uplift them. They set standards in every aspect of their lives and they meet those standards. They never let themselves down. They make sure to live up to those standards by setting commitments and fulfilling them. Alphas are consistent in their standards. This is not because they are superior to everyone but because they love themselves. Everyone else may be easily accessed but those with big dreams and goals spend their time focusing on themselves and their future. They understand that time will never come back. When you love yourself you are not easily accessible and that is what the alpha types are all about.

Elegance and Beauty

7. Knowledge

The alpha male and female are addicted to learning and love knowledge. They rather have books as their best friend than people. Their thirst to grow makes them stand out from the crowd. They are always improving and becoming their best selves. They have no time to compete, they are focused on themselves. Many people call them “Self Centred”, but they simply are addicted to improving themselves. If you are competing then you are wasting most of that energy on your rival and instead, you can be Investing it in yourself and your future. Alphas commit every single day to growth whether it's learning a new language or spending time reading an autobiography of someone great, they are always growing.


You do not have to be an alpha to have these qualities but you can choose one of these qualities and work on it. All of these qualities will level up your life. Remember, levelling up is an internal game. Not an external one.

Hope this inspired you,


