Scaling Workload Across Multiple GPUs! — CUDA 101 (Part 3)

Nacho Zobian
8 min readNov 12, 2023


Welcome once again, GPU enthusiasts! In our CUDA adventure, we’ve tackled the essentials (Part 1) and ventured into the intricacies of concurrent streams and copy/compute overlap (Part 2). But here’s the plot twist you’ve been waiting for: Part 3 is about to propel us into a new dimension of GPU programming! 🌌💻

Ever wondered how to elevate your applications by harnessing not one, but multiple GPUs? In this latest chapter, we’re diving into the secrets of scaling workload across multiple GPUs, unlocking a realm of unprecedented performance. 🚀🔥

From the basics to real-world applications, we’re going to demystify the magic behind multi-GPU computing. So, whether you’re a seasoned CUDA wizard or just beginning your journey into parallel realms, this installment is your gateway to mastering the art of scaling workload across multiple GPUs. 🚀🌐

For the experienced CUDA wizard, we’ll unravel advanced techniques, optimization strategies, and real-world use cases that elevate your multi-GPU game. 🧙‍♂️💡

And if you’re just beginning your exploration into CUDA, worry not about the complexities of scaling tasks among several GPUs — we’ve got you covered. Let’s navigate this landscape together, making multi-GPU scaling a seamless part of your programming repertoire

Photo by Laura Ockel on Unsplash

The Power of Multi-GPU Computing

Embarking on the exploration of multi-GPU computing reveals a spectrum of advantages that redefine computational efficiency. One key advantage lies in the potential for tremendous speedup, where the parallel processing capabilities of multiple GPUs work harmoniously to tackle complex tasks at an accelerated pace.

This results in a substantial reduction in processing time, translating into faster computations and quicker insights. Additionally, the scalability factor amplifies as more GPUs join the computational orchestra, offering a flexible solution that adapts to the demands of increasingly complex workloads.

Picture scenarios where intricate simulations, large-scale data analyses, and resource-intensive deep learning tasks seamlessly unfold, all benefiting from the parallel aptitude of multiple GPUs. In this realm, the advantages are as diverse as the scenarios they empower, making multi-GPU computing a cornerstone for achieving optimal performance in various computational domains.

Unlocking the Power: Use Cases of Multiple GPU Environments

Multi-GPU environments bring substantial benefits to a variety of computational scenarios. Here are some compelling use cases:

1. Deep Learning and Neural Networks:

Multiple GPUs excel in training complex neural networks, significantly reducing training times. Deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch leverage the parallel processing capabilities of multiple GPUs, making them indispensable for researchers and practitioners in the field.

Photo by Growtika on Unsplash

2. Medical Imaging and Research:

Analyzing voluminous medical imaging data is computationally intensive. Multiple GPUs enhance the speed of image processing tasks, aiding medical professionals in diagnoses, research, and the development of advanced imaging techniques.

Photo by Irwan @blogcious on Unsplash

3. Financial Modeling and Risk Analysis:

In the financial sector, where complex mathematical models and risk analyses are commonplace, multiple GPUs significantly accelerate computations. Traders and analysts benefit from quicker responses and improved decision-making processes.

Photo by Nick Chong on Unsplash

Programming Basics

Now, let’s divee into the essential programming basics for scaling workloads across multiple GPUs in CUDA. This involves a step-by-step guide, ensuring you have a solid foundation for exploiting the full potential of your GPU array.

1. Device Setup and Initialization

Begin by checking the number of available GPUs and ensuring your system supports multi-GPU programming. Initialize each GPU and allocate resources as needed.

int deviceCount;

// Check the number of available GPUs

if (deviceCount == 0) {
std::cerr << "No GPUs found. Exiting." << std::endl;
return 1;

std::cout << "Number of available GPUs: " << deviceCount << std::endl;

// Initialize each GPU and allocate resources as needed
for (int deviceId = 0; deviceId < deviceCount; ++deviceId) {

// Additional setup can be performed for each GPU, such as memory allocation or context creation

std::cout << "GPU " << deviceId << " initialized and resources allocated." << std::endl;

2. Data Distribution Across GPUs

Divide your dataset or workload into chunks and distribute them among the available GPUs. Ensure efficient data transfer and synchronization between the GPUs. For this we’ll use cudaMemcpy .

// Function to distribute data across GPUs
void distributeData(std::vector<int>& dataset, int numGPUs) {
int dataSize = dataset.size();
int chunkSize = dataSize / numGPUs;

// Iterate over each GPU
for (int deviceId = 0; deviceId < numGPUs; ++deviceId) {

// Calculate the start and end indices for the chunk assigned to this GPU
int startIndex = deviceId * chunkSize;
int endIndex = (deviceId == numGPUs - 1) ? dataSize : (deviceId + 1) * chunkSize;

// Copy the corresponding chunk of data to the GPU
int* gpuData;
cudaMalloc((void**)&gpuData, sizeof(int) * (endIndex - startIndex));
cudaMemcpy(gpuData, &dataset[startIndex], sizeof(int) * (endIndex - startIndex), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);

std::cout << "Data for GPU " << deviceId << " transferred successfully." << std::endl;

// Additional processing on the GPU can be performed here
// ...

// Free GPU memory when done

An important step here is calculating start and end index for each GPU:

  • startIndex = deviceId * chunkSize: Multiply the GPU index (deviceId) by the chunk size to find the starting index for that GPU.
  • endIndex = (deviceId == numGPUs - 1) ? dataSize : (deviceId + 1) * chunkSize: If it's the last GPU, assign the remaining elements to it. Otherwise, calculate the ending index by multiplying the next GPU's index by the chunk size.

3. Parallel Computation on Each GPU

Design your CUDA kernels to operate on the allocated data chunks independently on each GPU. Leverage parallelism to maximize computational throughput.

// Function to launch parallel computations on each GPU
void launchParallelComputations(int* gpuData, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int blockSize = 256;
int numBlocks = (endIndex - startIndex + blockSize - 1) / blockSize;

// Launch the CUDA kernel on the specified chunk of data
parallelComputation<<<numBlocks, blockSize>>>(gpuData, startIndex, endIndex);
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // Ensure the kernel is completed

// CUDA kernel
__global__ void parallelComputation(int* gpuData, int startIndex, int endIndex) {
int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

// Ensure the thread index is within the range of the assigned chunk
if (startIndex + tid < endIndex) {
// Perform parallel computation on the assigned chunk of data
gpuData[startIndex + tid] *= 2; // Example: Multiply each element by 2

4. Synchronization and Result Aggregation

Synchronize the GPUs to ensure all parallel computations are completed. Aggregate the results from each GPU to form the final output.

// Function to synchronize GPUs and aggregate results
void synchronizeAndAggregate(int* gpuData, int dataSize, int numGPUs) {
// Synchronize each GPU to ensure completion of parallel computations
for (int deviceId = 0; deviceId < numGPUs; ++deviceId) {
cudaDeviceSynchronize(); // Ensure the kernel is completed
std::cout << "GPU " << deviceId << " synchronization completed." << std::endl;

// Aggregate results if needed (example: summing up results)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) {
sum += gpuData[i];

std::cout << "Aggregate result: " << sum << std::endl;

5. Free allocated GPU memory

To free memory from all GPUs, you need to iterate through each GPU, set the device, and call cudaFree for the allocated GPU memory. Here's an example modification to the code to free memory from all GPUs:

// Free allocated GPU memory
for (int deviceId = 0; deviceId < numGPUs; ++deviceId) {
std::cout << "GPU " << deviceId << " memory freed." << std::endl;

Best Practices for Multi-GPU Scaling

By incorporating these best practices into your multi-GPU programming strategy, you’ll optimize the performance, scalability, and reliability of your CUDA applications. Remember that the effectiveness of these practices may vary based on the specifics of your use case, so continuous experimentation and refinement are essential. In the next installments in this blog series we’ll explore advanced optimization techniques, real world use cases, and address challenges in multi-GPU environments.

1. Optimal Workload Distribution

Experimentation is key when it comes to distributing workloads effectively across multiple GPUs. The nature of your computations, the size of your dataset, and the intricacies of your algorithms can all influence the optimal distribution strategy. Consider parallelizing tasks that can be divided into independent chunks and distributed among GPUs. Dynamic load balancing techniques can also be employed to ensure that each GPU is efficiently utilized.

2. Memory Considerations

Memory management becomes critical when dealing with multiple GPUs. Each GPU has its own memory, and efficient data transfer between GPU and CPU memory is essential. Be mindful of the memory requirements for each GPU, and aim to overlap computation with data transfer to maximize efficiency. CUDA provides functions like cudaMemcpyAsync for asynchronous memory transfers, enabling you to optimize the overlap between computation and data movement.

3. Dynamic Scaling

Adaptability is key to effective multi-GPU scaling. Implement mechanisms that dynamically adjust the workload distribution based on the current GPU load and performance metrics. Dynamic scaling ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, preventing underutilization or overload on any specific GPU. This adaptability is particularly crucial in scenarios where workloads vary dynamically, such as in real-time applications or systems with fluctuating computational demands.

4. Efficient Communication

Efficient communication between GPUs is paramount for seamless multi-GPU scaling. Minimize unnecessary data transfers and synchronize GPUs judiciously to avoid bottlenecks. CUDA provides various synchronization mechanisms, such as events and barriers, that enable you to orchestrate the collaboration between GPUs efficiently.

5. Error Handling and Logging

In a multi-GPU environment, error handling becomes even more critical. Implement robust error handling mechanisms to identify and address issues promptly. Utilize CUDA’s error-checking functions and logging mechanisms to capture and log errors. This practice ensures that your multi-GPU application maintains stability and reliability, especially when dealing with complex parallel computations.

Conclusion: Elevate Your Multi-GPU Proficiency

In conclusion, harnessing the full potential of multiple GPUs is a game-changer for accelerating computations across various domains. By adopting best practices in multi-GPU programming, you’ve laid a solid foundation for optimized performance, scalability, and reliability in your CUDA applications. As we continue this blog series, be prepared to delve into advanced optimization techniques and overcoming challenges in multi-GPU environments. Stay committed to refining your skills, and let the fascinating realm of accelerated computing with CUDA inspire your journey.

Get ready for even more insights and breakthroughs in the next installments! 🚀🌐



Nacho Zobian

Data Architecture Engineer & AI enthusiast diving into MLOps, CUDA, DevOps, Agile Testing, and more. Let's push software boundaries together.