Boost Your ChatGPT Results by 10X With This Simple Prompt!

Nada Shawky
2 min readSep 19, 2023


I’ve tried over 500 ChatGPT prompts, and this one has delivered excellent results!

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Chatting with AI sounds good in theory, but have you ever felt like pulling your hair out dealing with vague, convoluted responses?

It happened to me too - until I discovered THE prompt that unlocked ChatGPT's TRUE potential to save me hours every week.

Curious how? Keep reading to learn my simple Prompt Template that makes useless AI a thing of the past.

The Pain and Struggle Is Real

I completely understand the frustration. You hear all the hype about how amazing ChatGPT is, but when you actually try using it yourself, the results are hit or miss.

One prompt gives you a thoughtful, coherent response. The next prompt leaves you with an incomprehensible mess.

You scour Reddit and Google looking for the secret prompts that everyone else seems to magically have access to. But all you find are threads of people as confused and frustrated as you.

It's time consuming, it kills your productivity, and it just plain sucks. You're this close to giving up on ChatGPT altogether.

A Better Way Exists

But don’t delete your ChatGPT account just yet! Because after extensive research and testing, I’ve discovered a simple prompt formula that consistently yields excellent results.

And the best part? This formula is easy for anyone to use. In just minutes, you too can unlock ChatGPT's full potential.

Finish Tasks In 1/3 the Time

How much more productive would you be if all your AI interactions sliced hours off your workload each day?

With this prompt, I breeze through complex projects I used to spend forever on. More free time AND less stress? Yes please!

The productivity gains are immense. You'll get more done in a day than you used to in a week. The prompt template are adjustable too. Tweak for your specific needs to automate nearly any business task for unbelievable time and money savings.

Get Your Copy of This Prompt Now

The choice is clear. Keep wasting time fighting with ineffective prompts, or obtain the simple solution for 10X results today. Click here to get the prompt and become a ChatGPT pro in no time!



Nada Shawky

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