Dark fate. (WIP)

Rui Miguel Barrocas
5 min readJan 18, 2020


It was night time, not too late… I remember, driving home from dinner at a restaurant, my parents in the front seats, father was driving… I and my sister were sitting in the back. Not much talking, my sister Lauren was having one of her bitchy fits because school was not going as well as it should, and so, all was silence. Father argued with her, names were called, mom trying to help..didn´t work, didn´t take much for them to start screaming at each other again, but this time it ended not in the calm silence that was before, but in screams of helpless fear, as the lights of an incoming car light up our faces… I remember the panic, screams, seeing my sister´s head hitting violently the back of mom´s seat, as did mine, the taste of blood in my mouth, the loud noise of tires braking, broken glass, and silence came once again..dark, cold, silence… like a sudden fall into dark oblivion. If into the darkness I fell, from the darkness I woke, slowly opened my eyes, felt weak, a strange sensation of warmth, comfort all over me, lying down in a bed in a room I didn´t recognize, confused and dormant I sat on the bed and realized where I was, hospital room. The clock on the wall to my left, round, black with white handles, kind of vintage looking said 21:22 pm, window was closed and the tv on the front wall turned off, strangely I remembered the violence of the accident, and yet I had no bruises, cuts or swellings, it was like it never happened like…



Rui Miguel Barrocas

I am from Portugal, an amateur writer looking forward to learning. Instagram @wolfpt77 🙂