Demystifying AWS Core Services: A Beginner’s Guide

Nadeem Taj
3 min readOct 16, 2023


Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the world of cloud computing? Recently, I accepted the 12-week AWS Workshop Challenge, driven by a passion to enhance my technical skills and empower others to do the same. In this challenge, we immerse ourselves in a 12-week workshop series. In the first week of this challenge we dive into AWS core services, start

1. Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)

Amazon EC2, a fundamental AWS service, provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. This scalability is instrumental for hosting applications and websites as we discover the immense potential of this computing powerhouse.

2. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service)

Amazon S3, an essential component of AWS, allows us to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web. From static website hosting to secure data backup and archiving, S3 proves to be a versatile and reliable storage solution.

3. Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service)

Navigating the AWS landscape, we encounter Amazon RDS — a fully managed relational database service. This service simplifies database management, offering options such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server to meet various application needs.

4. Amazon VPC (Virtual Private Cloud)

In the realm of network isolation and configuration, Amazon VPC shines. The ability to provision a logically isolated section of the AWS Cloud grants us control over our virtual networking environment.

5. AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda revolutionizes compute services through serverless architecture. By executing code in response to events and automatically managing resources, AWS Lambda promises efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

6. Amazon IAM (Identity and Access Management)

Security is paramount, and Amazon IAM provides the solution by empowering us to manage user access to the AWS Management Console. This ensures secure operations and protection of sensitive resources.

7. Amazon CloudWatch

To monitor and gain actionable insights into our cloud resources and applications, we turn to Amazon CloudWatch. The power of monitoring and observability at our fingertips is key to optimizing our cloud infrastructure.

As part of the 12-week AWS Workshop Challenge, we not only enhance our technical skills but also inspire others to join this learning journey. The challenge motivates us to dive into AWS, experiment, and build exciting projects, reinforcing our understanding of these core services.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the organizers of this event, specifically the AWS Users Group in Yaoundé and Douala. Special thanks go out to our gracious hosts, Mr.

and Miss Paula Ali Wakabi, for their invaluable contributions to making this initiative a success. I also want to extend a big thank you to our sponsors, #Educloud and #Whizlabs, for their consistent support.

Stay tuned for more AWS insights as we progress through this challenge, sharing our experiences and fostering a community of AWS enthusiasts!

#12WeekAWSWorkshopChallenge @AWSUserGroupYaounde

@FonNkwenti @paula ali Wakabi #AWS #Educloud



Nadeem Taj

DevOps 👨‍💻| Cloud Engineer | AWS | Linux | Terrafom |Git| GitHub| Learn by Sharing |