How to build growth frameworks for software engineers

Nader Alexan
3 min readMar 18, 2024



Continuous learning is an important part of every software engineer’s career path, building a growth framework for everyone in your team can seem like a big task, but it doesn’t have to be when following the steps below. We will start by explaining the difference between mentorship and coaching then go into specific steps you can follow as a manager for approaching this task

Mentorship vs coaching

Photo by Medienstürmer

Mentorship (Directive) is direct work with mentee on topics where the mentor is an expert

A mentor is an individual who imparts their wisdom, abilities, or past encounters in order to assist another individual in their personal growth and advancement.

Coaching (Non Directive) is providing constructive feedback and general direction based on coach’s experience e.g. coach is experienced in learning new tools and thus provides guidance to student on how to learn in general even in tools where coach is not an expert in.

A coach is an individual who offers direction to a client regarding their objectives and aids them in realizing their maximum capabilities.How to build Growth Framework

Steps for building a growth framework

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki on Unsplash

1. Identify areas of improvement

Dedicate time to observe your engineers, assessing their work to pinpoint improvement areas. Keep detailed notes on their task performance, which can later serve as a basis for dialogue and development plans.

2. Discuss areas of improvement with Engineers

Engage with engineers to validate your observations. Involving them in the discussion promotes buy-in as they contribute to shaping their own improvement journey.

3. Decide the type of Education you will be providing

Direct mentorship

Engage in hands-on mentorship, offering a structured series of educational sessions interwoven with practical homework tasks

Indirect mentorship + Coaching

Pair the engineer with a subject matter expert for specific mentoring, while you provide regular coaching sessions to track progress and offer feedback.

Resources + Coaching

Compile educational materials (books, courses, practical projects) and supplement these resources with coaching sessions focused on the learning process.

4. Setting Goals and Creating a Roadmap

Work with engineers to set clear, achievable goals. Develop a roadmap with milestones to guide the learning process and measure progress.

5. Providing Regular Feedback

Offer regular, specific feedback to help engineers understand their progress and areas that require more attention. Feedback should be timely, relevant, and constructive.

6. Encouraging Self-Reflection

Encourage engineers to reflect on their experiences. Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal development, helping them to internalize lessons and recognize their own growth.

7. Fostering a Culture of Continuous Learning

Promote an environment where learning is valued. Encourage knowledge sharing among team members and provide opportunities for engineers to learn from each other.

8. Measuring Progress and Success

Define metrics to measure the effectiveness of the mentorship and coaching efforts. Adjust strategies based on these insights to ensure continuous improvement.


Effective mentorship and coaching can accelerate the growth of software engineers, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to excel in their careers. By identifying areas of improvement, discussing them openly, setting clear goals, and providing structured learning opportunities, you can foster a culture of continuous professional development within your team.



Nader Alexan

Engineer Manager passionate about Psychology, understanding fellow Homo sapiens, and dogs