Why Shift Mental Health Narratives?

For storytellers, there are personal and professional rewards

Nadia Sarmova
3 min readApr 3, 2024
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

In recent years, there’s been a seismic shift in the recognition of mental health’s importance across various industries. I’m a cofounder of a company that produces content, series and events around this topic, and behind that, I’m also a filmmaker.

For those of us entrenched in the fast-paced world of Hollywood, this heightened awareness around mental health couldn’t be more timely. As storytellers — be it producers, writers, actors, directors, production executives, or other crew members — we invest our hearts and souls into our projects. Yet, this dedication often exacts a toll: we sacrifice sleep, nutrition, social lives, and self-care, compromising not just our physical health but also our mental and emotional well-being.

It’s time to recalibrate.

Most of us have heard the mantra “health is wealth,” but the real opportunity is to ask ourselves why should we advocate for changing the mental health narrative, both in our real lives and in our produced stories? What benefits could arise from taking care of ourselves while producing more thoughtful stories about mental health or other topics?

Over the last six years, my journey in creating mental health content has led me to some profound “aha’s,” illuminating both the personal and professional rewards of embracing this important shift.

Personal Empowerment:

  • Heightened Creativity: Cultivating mental wellness nurtures a clearer mind and sparks greater creativity, enabling us to live happier lives and craft more innovative stories.
  • Enhanced Resilience: Strengthened mental health equips us with the resilience essential to navigate the inevitable challenges and setbacks in life and our careers.
  • Deeper Self-Awareness: Exploring our mental health prompts self-reflection and introspection, fostering greater self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Authentic Connections: Caring for our mental health builds empathy, deepening our understanding of both our own struggles and those of others facing mental health hurdles. This, in turn, strengthens the connections and bonds we share with our loved ones, friends, and colleagues.

Professional Advantages:

  • Market Relevance & Amplified Audience Engagement: Mental health-themed content aligns with the growing demand for authentic, socially-relevant storytelling, enhancing our market relevance and broadening our audience reach.
  • Cultural Influence & Social Impact: By responsibly shedding light on mental health issues, our stories can contribute to reducing stigma, increasing awareness, and driving positive social change.
  • Expansive Career Opportunities: Establishing a reputation for conscious exploration of mental health themes in our stories attracts rewarding collaborations, impact-focused funding, and prestigious projects with likeminded people that can propel our careers forward.
  • Critical Acclaim: Thoughtfully executed mental health narratives often garner critical acclaim for their depth, authenticity, and societal significance, boosting our reputation and credibility.

This list only touches on the benefits I’ve personally encountered as I’ve reshaped the narrative around mental health, both in my life and through my storytelling. How about you? Are you a creator, filmmaker, or storyteller altering the mental health narrative in your life? What personal or professional rewards are you experiencing? Share your thoughts with me — I’m excited to continue exploring this conversation together.



Nadia Sarmova

Filmmaker & Executive. Passionate about storytelling 🎬 & well-being 💖 ! Want to start a conversation about film, wellness or impact? Nadia@TheShift.com