Combating Writer’s Block With Writing

5 Common Yet Effective Writing Ideas To Keep You Going

Nadia Wazed
5 min readOct 23, 2022
Myself using my laptop.
Paintbrush Effect: Me in front of my computer. Image Credit Nadia Wazed

To continue writing, don’t simply keep waiting for a great concept to come to your mind. While some writers may be able to generate ideas on the spot, for most of us ordinary humans, the process begins by writing about any subject and then expanding on it as we go.

Here are 5 ideas for writing to get you going —

1. A Newly Discovered Interest/Hobby:

No matter how strange your new interest or hobby may be, there are probably plenty of people in the world thinking about exploring it as well. They really would like to know what they’re getting themselves into.

Therefore, you can be the person to provide others with all the information they may require at each stage of the process. You can write the beginner’s guide, share the best ways to start, discuss the mistakes you wish you’d known about before starting out yourself, and express the feelings and thoughts of someone who has already been there and done that.

2. A Comprehensive Guide To Visiting Your Hometown:

Create a trustworthy insider’s handbook for visiting your hometown and offer individuals what they want. Make lists of the top 10, narrate a tour, or write a guidebook for a week in the town, etc.

Be creative, and don’t be afraid to put your take on things. Don’t be hesitant about satire if you’re feeling a bit witty, either!

3. Incorrect answers to Google’s FAQs [For Fiction]:

People, in general, Google the most bizarre stuff. So, if you want to reply to today’s most serious issues, or just compose a quirky story, go to humanity’s great — Google searches for answers to questions like, ‘Will short people go to heaven?’, ‘Why were cornflakes invented?’, and many more!

4. A Work That Begins With A Sentence From Any Random Page Of A Book [For Fiction]:

Take a book from the shelf, open it to any random page, and then just point anywhere on the page to find your opening line. If it leads nowhere at all, you’re free to try again. But do not look for anything specific as the point of this writing exercise is randomness.

If you copy that initial line, you won’t be allowed to publish it, since that’s plagiarism. Therefore if you want to publish the piece resulting from this process, use the random sentence more like a prompt, rather than a directly included line.

You can check out my article 5 Tips On Writing A Good Title for some interesting ideas on brainstorming a good title.

5. The Writing Process Itself:

Now let’s go meta. Writing itself is a great subject for writing! If you’d like, you can use some writing-related quotes as a starting point or just think back on your own experiences writing.

Consider your most productive times, how the writing process feels, any obstacles you face, and the aspects of writing that give you the greatest satisfaction.

If you can, be honest and detailed in your response when you ask yourself why you write. A little introspection can be fun and interesting.

Bottom Line:

I hope you now know how to overcome the dreaded writer’s block with these 5 effective writing ideas. So, next time your creativity hits a roadblock, remember these strategies to keep your words flowing effortlessly. Happy writing!


What Is The Writer’s Block In The Writing Process?

Writer’s block is a phenomenon or feeling that occurs when a writer is unable to progress in their process of writing something. They might be unable to generate new ideas, or they may have ideas but are unable to get them onto the page.

The severity of writer’s block can range from a few hours to years. It usually involves a psychological or emotional barrier that prevents ideas and words from flowing freely. When you experience writer’s block, your mind races with thoughts like what you should write about, where you should begin, etc., yet no answers manage to come in.

A frustrating encounter like this has an impact on your progress, consistency, and writing quality. Despite these impacts, writer’s block is a typical part of the creative process. If a writer can tackle it with a positive outlook, it proves to be a valuable chance for self-reflection and growth.

Why Is Writer’s Block Good?

Writer’s block is commonly viewed as a frustrating impediment, but it might actually have some positive elements. It can allow writers to go more deep into their ideas and thoughts since it offers a chance for self-reflection and personal growth.

When someone experiences writer’s block, they are compelled to consider new perspectives, polish their concepts, and devise innovative solutions to their creative halt. This period of contemplation can result in a more profound grasp of the subject at hand, as well as more meaningful and well-crafted writings.

Embracing writer’s block as an opportunity to pause, reassess, and recalibrate can thus lead to better quality of writing and a more evolved creative process.

How To Combat Writer’s Block?

If you’re wondering how to combat writer’s block, you don’t have to worry. According to research, it’s a treatable condition. You simply need to identify a remedy that removes mental barriers and boosts your confidence. Speaking with others can often help, but there are many other tactics to deal with it on your own.

Consider these common writer’s block tips and try the methods that seem the most natural and appropriate for you -

  • You should take a break now. Making time to recharge might be fundamental for regaining your flow. So, take a step back and then do it again.
  • Exercise and physical activity keep your mind awake and energetic. It has the potential to reorganize your brain to become more focused and productive.
  • Write spontaneously and without editing. Forget about using proper grammar, punctuation, and other conventions, and see what emerges from this process.
  • Making a list is a valuable tool. It’s a simple and efficient method for reducing exhaustion, getting organized, and gaining control over your inner life.
  • According to a survey of 2,500 writers, breaking a writing task into smaller, more manageable pieces is much more productive than completing it all at once. This method has been proven to aid in the creation of high-quality work.

How Do I Find Ideas For Writing?

Try the following basic tips to find ideas for writing -

  • Use writing prompts
  • Generate interesting writing ideas using AI
  • Write about your hobbies
  • Write about your writing process and the challenges you face within it
  • Read more books, particularly those of diverse genres and writing styles

