Welcome to Goldficnh

Nadia Crypto
2 min readSep 25, 2021



Since I have been connected with the banking sector for many years and directly with the analysis of the solvency of a potential borrower, I am very interested in this project. I looked at the cryptocurrency for a very long time, read and analyzed many projects that, according to the community, were “gem”, but I did not have the courage to become part of one of them. Cryptocurrency is growing exponentially and the future is behind it, that’s why I decided that the time had come when I saw the Goldfinch project.
Enough words about me, let’s move on to the project itself, and no one can say it better than its founders.

The Goldfinch protocol has four core participants: Borrowers, Backers, Liquidity Providers, and Auditors.
Borrowers are participants who seek financing, and they propose Borrower Pools for the Backers to assess. Borrower Pools contain the terms a Borrower seeks, like the interest rate and repayment schedule

Backers assess the Borrower Pools and decide whether to supply first-loss capital. A er Backers supply capital, Borrowers can borrow and repay through the Borrower Pool.
Liquidity Providers supply capital to the Senior Pool in order to earn passive yield. The Senior Pool uses the Leverage Model to automatically allocate capital to the Borrower Pools, based on how many Backers are participating in them. When the Senior Pool allocates capital, a portion of its interest is reallocated to the Backers. This increases the Backersʼ effective yield, which incentives them to both provide the higher-risk first-loss capital and do the work of assessing Borrower Pools.

This is my first experience in cryptocurrency, and I am sure that it will be successful! And you will not lose your chance!
You can find out more about the project and its idea on their website, as well as in their whitepapper

