Nadia Lüthi
3 min readApr 8, 2023

The 3VEREST project is an innovative initiative that aims to create a unique ecosystem for digital avatar collection and creation. The project is built on the Ethereum blockchain and offers users the ability to own and trade digital avatars in a secure and decentralized manner.

Twitter : https://twitter.com/3VEREST_camp
Website : https://www.3verest.camp/
Discord : https://discord.gg/DNkt4Tdscm


Project Introduction

The 3VEREST project was founded by a group of passionate developers and designers who are dedicated to creating a new standard for avatar collection and ownership. The project seeks to leverage the power of blockchain technology to create a new kind of digital art that is truly unique and valuable.

One of the key features of the 3VEREST project is the use of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to represent each avatar. NFTs are unique digital assets that are stored on the blockchain and can be bought and sold like any other kind of asset. This allows users to truly own their avatars and gives them the ability to sell or trade them as they see fit.


Avatar Collection Analysis

The 3VEREST project currently offers a collection of over 3,000 unique avatars that have been created by a team of talented designers. Each avatar is unique and has been created with care to ensure that it is both visually appealing and technically sound.

The avatars in the 3VEREST collection are divided into several different categories, including animals, characters, and fantasy creatures. Each avatar is also assigned a rarity level, with rarer avatars being more difficult to obtain.

Tutorial with 3verest.camp

For users who are new to the 3VEREST project, the team has created a comprehensive tutorial that walks users through the process of creating an account, buying an avatar, and trading on the marketplace. The tutorial is available on the 3verest.camp website and is designed to be easy to follow and understand.

The 3VEREST project also offers a marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade their avatars. The marketplace is hosted on the OpenSea platform, which is one of the most popular NFT marketplaces in the world. This gives users access to a large and active community of NFT collectors and traders.

The 3VEREST project has also partnered with the Sandbox game, which is a popular blockchain-based gaming platform. This partnership allows users to showcase their avatars in the Sandbox game and provides them with additional opportunities to earn rewards and recognition.

In conclusion, the 3VEREST project is a unique and innovative initiative that is redefining the way we think about digital art and ownership. The project offers users the ability to own and trade unique digital avatars in a secure and decentralized manner. With its comprehensive tutorial, active marketplace, and exciting partnerships, the 3VEREST project is poised to become a leading player in the world of NFTs and blockchain-based digital art.

