Nadia Shireen Siddiqi
15 min readApr 24, 2024

Baby Reindeer, Fiona Harvey and the Rosemary Kennedy Connection

After watching this and reading about him I have nada sympathy for Mr.Gadd who looks at least 20 yrs older than himself.

If you don’t want to receive emails, especially from a complete stranger; you simply block them:

Report as Spam; Move to Trash.

But he did, he did want to receive her input and compliments and so on. In the show he seems to paint himself as a mentally ill, hard drug addicted; liar. A liar who gets caught in his lies because pseudonym ‘Martha Scott’ kept records of him flirting with her, checking her out, trying to get her, illegally via ‘entrapment’.

He makes a big fuss about the number of emails, while admitting that he wanted her to write to him, he loved to read nice things about himself, to get constructive criticism at times, even liked to be heckled because when she heckled him the audience laughed.

In a weird unforgivable twist of events Donny his alter ego character in Baby Reindeer follows Martha Scott home, peeps in through her windows after which she texts him about peeping into her house. In the penultimate episode he masturbates to her photo, breaks into her home and f&$ks her??? Does he even know what stalking is. Following a stranger home, looking through her windows, breaking into her home and f-ing her pretty much qualifies as, fits the bill for stalking in my book. It is actually very typical for stalkers to victim blame the person they are stalking.

He even sort of admits to stalking the head writer of his favorite comedy show. It is just the strangest thing. He was so desperate to hang out with this man that he knowingly snorted his cocaine, meth and other permanent brain damaging, very illegal and exorbitantly expensive drugs just to; he ‘claims’ pick his brain.

But he’s just not a reliable narrator because he exposes himself as a liar and a stalker. Throughout the 7 episodes I did not get why all the pretty ladies viewed him as a victim.

If a young attractive woman in her twenties was busy encouraging, flirting with, checking out , giving free ‘On the House’ food and drinks to a fellow, following that fellow home to f him, begging to get high on his über expensive illegal drugs at his home; misogynistic society would never favor her or paint her as a victim. She would be made to wear the metaphorical scarlet letter; be sl** shamed. And the narrator-protagonist of Baby Reindeer admits to having unsafe casual s*x with a whole bunch of strangers; women can’t afford to be that reckless.

Richard looks like an emaciated drug addict with high estrogen features: large eyes and full lips. I understand why the head writer of his favorite sitcom may have found this doe eyed underweight womanly fellow attractive but the real Martha Scott? I don’t think so.

He says he wanted to be friends and she wanted to be something else but he went to her home to F her. She never once went to his home. And even in his wildest omnipotent narrative controlling fantasies and capacities ‘she’ didn’t invade his home & F him.

Which leads me to extrapolate that the lonely older woman was probably actually begging to be just friends, as women do while he the drug addled s*x addict just wanted to F her, use and discard her; I’m thinking of Gertrude in Shakespeare’s Hamlet tolerating her son’s mother f-ing Oedipus complex motivated r*** of her because she didn’t want to lose him. She didn’t want to lose her only son.

But now that I’ve seen Fiona Harvey (the purported inspiration behind pseudonym Martha Scott) I see that she is a high testosterone woman with heavily developed cheekbones, smallish eyes, I suspect is rather tall but fair like my friend in the photograph above attempting to grab my thigh and Rosemary Kennedy who was lobotomised at age 23.

I’ve seen a clip of John F. Kennedy’s sister Rosemary with her father who in the clip was trying to keep her hands away from his thigh area. She was also beautiful in a tall, highly developed cheekbones, jutting chin very light skinned (light skin unlike those other things denotes high oestrogen not high testosterone) curvy sense not skinny unlike me or Eunice Kennedy Shriver. But Eunice &JFK were both diagnosed with Addison’s disease; given testosterone which made E.K. look a bit too tall &gangly later on. Maria Shriver E.K’s daughter never took testosterone so I reckon she looks more like Eunice would have without the testosterone boosters.


One characteristic of autoimmune diseases (such as Addison’s) is that close relatives often are affected as well and this is true in the case of the Kennedy family. JFK’s younger sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver also had Addison’s, and John F. Kennedy Jr., his son, suffered from Graves’ disease, in which the thyroid is overactive.

What strikes me is that all 3 of these women look stocky but beautiful with porcelain skin; amazing cheekbones, strong jutting chins w/ hands that wander… to people’s thighs.

Pseudonym Martha Scott complained about him to his parents but she never went to their home or his home. I don’t see this fellow as a victim at all. And his motto about ‘winning not being safe’ has narcissistic predator scrawled all over it. And he wrote an entire act and show around this woman. Owes all his fame and fortune to her.

I feel like she may be a bit child like; all too forgiving but I don’t think Fiona, Rosemary or my school friend lack or lacked intelligence. But think all 3 of them share the same thigh grabbing quirks & looks. Rosemary didn’t get oxygen for a fairly long time because her mother’s nurse was waiting for the obs doc. Oxygen deprivation at birth has been related to sociopathy but I don’t know what this is but the 3 of them are just too similar not to have the same thing.

Hired an actress who he admits looks absolutely nothing like her to play her. The actress who played Martha Scott does not have the bone structure Rosemary, Fiona & my anonymous friend have/had. And in this show ‘Baby Reindeer’ he f**ks her in what looks like a predator’s fantasy. Throughout the whole show he’s showing us the audience that he’s a lying drug addict so why should we believe anything he says or portrays? Similarly on a separate show on Netflix, ‘3 Body Problem’ we are told the ‘aliens can’t lie’ because they say they can’t. While simultaneously we are ‘shown’ that these same aliens have been making people hallucinate, deceiving as in ‘lying’ to all 5/6 of their senses. I don’t know why Netflix is encouraging this show vs tell paradox where we the audience are shown 1 thing & told another.

Writers are told to ‘show don’t tell’ and what’s he’s telling us his audience completely contradicts what he is showing us.

And the one time that he broke into Martha’s house to f her he was purportedly in a serious monogamous relationship with a trans woman. So his shock and confusion around why that trans woman left him makes no sense. Duh you cheated on her with your ego stoking almost 2 decades older, dare I say it? ‘Girlfriend’.

Another day another leading lady she thinks I resemble.

My experience of inundating predatory flirty men who felt entitled to check me out and tried to make me their girlfriend, with emails in my very attractive early 20s is that I tried to confront them on objectifying me or otherwise invading my personal space:

Pseudonym ‘The Sillyman’ even locked me in a classroom s*xually and v**lently assaulted me triggering my previously suppressed trauma from age 13.

I wrote to him because I wanted answers. And I never got any answers from him just his deluded narcissism & incessantly persistent real life s.harassment.

Many years later I made the connection, I had asked a question about how the opening r**e scene in Ayn Rand’s The Night of January the 19th was done. I didn’t ask anyone in particular I was thinking aloud but still under my breath. That’s what led him to lock me up in a basement classroom pin me into my desk-chair hybrid and slam me repeatedly with an hard cover abstract Algebra textbook ‘Algebra by Artin’. Before that he was always stroking my back, squeezing my shoulder, being a sternum staring Streetonite, and I ignored it. I needed a math professor and he seemed to be the only accessible person qualified to teach me.

My KU uneducated maternal aunt who kept imagining I would marry her idiot son and claiming disgustingly that marital r*** isn’t r***; offered. But I didn’t think she was qualified; I still don’t. Her son wrote me a barrage of nonsensical one line emails and I couldn’t block him because if I did I’d never hear the end of it from mummy. When I finally did muster the courage to block him from all my social media, email addresses; everything… he played victim went to my idiot brother who along with his virtual stranger to me wife tries to force me to hang out with my gross cousin and his forced marriage & marital r*** advocate mother.

Richard however unlike me with my gross cousin was under no pressure not to block this lady’s emails.

When a woman my stalker cousin claimed was his girlfriend at school in Quetta ( he’s a Gemini and he’s lied about so many things that I don’t see any reason to take him at his word) told him she’ll never marry him because she has a British education far more valuable than his Pakistani 1; he claimed he wanted to marry me so I’ll make him a British citizen. I have a purely British education. I was born both British and Pakistani. He’s always had poor grades, poor schooling, has high oestrogen features (big eyes, full cheeks+lips; no chin), his broken English offends me; once he cooed, ‘ I like girls with long hairs’ yes hairs not hair and I resultantly chopped my long tresses off. I don’t like short hair on me, it boxes my face I think. Jennifer Aniston doesn’t like bob cuts on herself either. But I chopped off my hair just because this creep cooed that.

The way he says my name offends me. The weird hard N. The N in Nadia is soft in my opinion,I say it softly; I don’t press on it nasally or curl my tongue around it in the most cacophonous manner. I don’t like his big eyed, fat cheeked; chinless face. As a rule am strongly opposed to cousin marriage especially between first cousins, have shared documentaries on Bradford’s cousin marriage community where every household has a member afflicted with a congenital disease as a direct result of cousin marriage.

I couldn’t agree to marry him and I tried to let him down easy because of my mother.

This guy is my cousin. Mummy befriended a potbellied pathologically stammering probably sociopathic stalker, a virtual stranger from the yoga classes my sister took us to; I had blocked him from all my social media.

He, like my cousin also has broken English, I don’t like listening to him stammer continuously in his broken English, he claimed, ‘ I would like to propose Nadia’ as opposed to ‘I would like ‘to’ propose ‘to’ Nadia’ I didn’t get why he flattered himself about me, I say, ‘no’ on infinite loop and it is often misinterpreted as she’s playing hard to get; some people have beestung lips this man in real life looked like bees stung him all over. All I felt for him was pity & disgust.

Mummy would casually smirk about how bee stung pathologically and continuously stuttering, yoga man said he wants to electrocute me, marry me, was asking if he should send his mother with a proposal; I’m pretty sure he knew that I blocked him everywhere. Told him innumerable times that I wasn’t interested in him at all. I don’t even get why or how my mother imagined that I would even consider seeing a creep who shares fantasies about electrocuting me.

A film starring Brooke Shields as Laura Black who looked nothing like Brooke Shields, (she was short, petite, dark haired and dark eyed) springs to mind. There’s a scene wherein Laura’s stalker from work in California, turns up at her parents’ house in some other US state and her mother keeps going on and on about her ‘boyfriend’ to her and Laura literally wants to tear out of herself & scream. He is not her boyfriend he is an older, morbidly obese, drug addict who was working at the tech company she was 1 of the few female employees at.

She did ask him to mentor her but again unlike Richard Gabb she did not Jack off to his photo then ‘follow him home to F him in his bed’ (Or living room floor) and expend his illegal drug stash.

The lack of self awareness from meth junkie Richard Gabb is simply mind boggling.

Mr.Beestung hanging gut -getting-to me via mummy man was the biggest creep at yoga too, I would be lying down with my eyes closed (as per the yoga instructor’s instructions to the whole class) and this creep would walk over, fondle my feet and hands, hiss ‘Slo..oh..Lee’ in my ear when he meant softly and because he is a pathological stammerer the yoga instructor gave him a free pity pass to do whatever he wanted.

When mummy could encourage a complete stranger to harangue me, I couldn’t bear to imagine what she would do for my grossness personified cousin.

Back to The Sillyman: According to my Chinese astrology book a goat can never teach a buffalo. It also said a goat flirts aggressively with an ox(buffalo) and when the buffalo finally gives in; the goat ‘tethers her skirt and moves onto greener pastures’. In Chinese astrology a goat is feminine and an ox or buffalo is male. Although The Sillyman is a goat and I’m a wood ox. So I figured the shoulder squeezing, tracing my spine from cervical vertebrae to the coccyx etc etc would stop; he’d get bored or something. He was lanky but very tall and if I had my head down on my desk in the library or in a classroom and he found me; his hand would clamp my neck down so I could not sit up at all, then he would talk to me without loosening his vice like grip around my neck. I was just waiting for the goat to tether her skirt; y’know? I was afraid of saying anything, standing up to him; for fear of escalation in real life. But he escalated rather quickly to slamming me in the chest and poking my nips. He tried me to convince both me and himself that ‘I’ wanted to be locked up in a classroom and be attacked by him, that I wanted him to clamp my arms down and make it impossible for me to even try to fight him off. I wanted answers, I didn’t want to confront him IRL because of how physical he got sans any provocation or prompt; I figured if I yelled or screamed at him he could easily K*ll or R*pe me. In the Ayn Rand play he got for me and my classmates, in the opening scene a young woman refuses to take her skirt off for her boss and he forces himself on her. The woman is poor can’t quit and her boss uses his connections to black b**l roadblock her from even attempting to apply for any other job at any other office. They then have an affair which starts off as him r***ng her at the office. The Secretary starring James Spader feels like an ode to Ayn Rand’s play The Night of January… so in the play the wealthy Harvey Weinstein meets Jeff Epstein -esque narcissistic serial r***st is murdered and his relatively poor but extremely attractive secretary is on trial for his murder. The audience plays a jury that issues a verdict on whether they think she’s guilty or not. Although the play portrays as innocent; I reckon.

This fellow, The Sillyman seemed to think of himself as the murdered wealthy man in the play, The Night of…

I knew I had to confront him but I also knew I couldn’t do it in real life; email gmail felt relatively impersonal. I was on his student email list. I asked him why he did what he did. He pretended not to know anything about it in emails, classic litigious gaslighting but in real life he continued to touch me inappropriately, make me feel uncomfortable; he was six years older than me: I knew his sister in my brother’s class. I was at her 12th birthday party, some boy had called her ugly and African looking, so she was crying and the girl comforting her explained, ‘ You know you’re no Cleopatra sweetie’ and I interjected with a chortle, ‘ Cleopatra was African; Egypt is in Africa. North Africa but still Africa. Since then she would come to me every time we met at a beach trip or party or whatever and she was nervous around me, she thought I was very pretty, was aware that boys were fighting over me at the gates; in the shed etc etc. I did not like the boys who sparred over me. One was someone who gave me reverse wedgies and I had to resort to threatening to k*ll him with a knife hand strike through the neck; if he ever came near me ever again. He started trembling around me after that, so I told him, ‘ If I really wanted to k*ll you; you’d probably be d**d by now don’t you think?’ as a way to assuage his trepidation. My reverse wedgie m***station from him skulking behind my back jumping rubbing against me and rolling my undies (In English law a woman’s undies are labelled, ‘Trousers’) down stopped. But he drew a pencilled sketch of me, editing it week after week; month after month. I told him over and over to ‘stop looking at me’ ‘stop drawing me’ when he was done with his sketch he showed it to me saying he couldn’t capture the real and true beauty of my eyes. I tried to snatch it from him; tear it apart. He had no right to draw me. He salvaged it, ‘This is mine’. My brother and his friends had no right to film and photograph me from the most unflattering angles in my home, in my bed, in my loo etc etc either and I couldn’t do anything there too.

I very openly celebrated when he was no longer in my section in 9th grade; perhaps too soon. He patrolled the hall outside 9-L. My 9th grade geography teacher Ms.Beg called him the nightingale to my rose. He would fight over me with some other equally short rotund guy in The Shed, at the gates; and since I didn’t attend these phuddas the phudda was brought to me in the hall right outside 9-L. Fiza a mutual friend came into my class with the sole purpose of attempting to glean me out of my 9-L classroom, to wean me into the hall, the classroom was otherwise only occupied by me since everyone else had gone into hall to watch these beach balls of 13/14 year old men fight over me, say my name in the most cacophonous manner; tear at each other’s adipose tissue? They didn’t resemble Sumo wrestlers because Sumo wrestlers have all their weight concentrated in their thighs; they squat a lot. They’re also ginormous and powerful looking. These two looked like two Humpty Dumptys to me.

Anyway, The Sillyman’s sister from my brother’s class had a lot of sympathy for this fellow. She would gasp and sigh about that poor thing ‘evil beautiful’ me has put under my spell. And I didn’t get it.

I threatened to k*** him, made it 100% clear that I’m not into him; in terms any remotely rational person would understand, he was scared for a while and I assuaged that; thinking he wouldn’t resume stalking me. My lack of reciprocity was more than evident. But he resumed and not just that he started fighting over me with another fellow I could fathom ever being interested in; patrolling the hall/corridor outside my classroom. He was never in his own section/classroom. I did not know what to do about him.

I certainly wouldn’t follow him home, barge into his bedroom and F him like Richard Gabb pseudonym ‘Donny’ did to pseudonym Martha Scott. That’s just absurd; why do the craziest men ( and women) feel entitled to gaslight the very people whose personal space, booty, home, school, office etc that they are invading? There are laws in the US and India that protect women from being filmed or photographed on school premises, at work, in their homes; on their front lawn or backyard. Even the real British Martha Scott is thankfully protected from peeping Tom Richard Gabb photographing and/or filming her in what should have been the privacy, sanctity of her own home.

Nadia Shireen Siddiqi

Degrees in Mathematics, Economics, criminal law & sociology From London School Of Economics Tw @NadiaSiddiqi Insta @Nadia999s