Nadim Chaudhry
Nadim Chaudhry

Nadim Chaudhry

Work File

8 stories

Nadim Chaudhry

Nadim Chaudhry


1 story

photo of a huge black swan destroying the world, AI image created on Midjourney generative ai tool, by Henrique Centieiro and Bee Lee
Nadim Chaudhry

Nadim Chaudhry

My Good Stuff

64 stories

A vintage John Deere tractor whose wheel hubs have been replaced with HAL 9000 eyes, matted over a background of the cyber-waterfall image from The Matrix.
Nadim Chaudhry

Nadim Chaudhry

Fitness Tips

9 stories

Nadim Chaudhry

Nadim Chaudhry

Since 2003 I’ve been working on the sustainable energy transition to a carbon & pollution free system that can equitably & effectively provide planet wide power