Update of the H3O Token Sale

HydroMiner-Nadine Damblon, CEO
3 min readJan 7, 2018


Dear community,
as we saw a lot of questions during the last days regarding our second ICO here are some facts that will hopefully help you with future decisions:

Why the second ICO will benefit H2O token holders:
As we announced a while ago, we are planning these days a second ICO, or better said, an SCO (Secondary Coin Offering) that will probably start in March or April, this means we spent a lot of time at the moment with our lawyers discussing the new model and rooting out all the possibilities for the design of the new security token, which will probably be named H3O.
The H3O Token will not be a voucher for mining time, it is supposed to be a security token, H3O Token holders will benefit from Hydrominers growth and value through receiving dividends and will also receive rights similar to shareholders.
First of all it is important for H2O Token holders that this doesn’t debase the H20 Token, the initial use case of the token as a voucher for mining time is still and will stay active and untouched.
Now additional, there will be the chance to upgrade to the H3O Token, that means that H20 Token holders will either get a discount, are will be able to upgrade, or they will be favoured in another way, we are still working on this process with our lawyers and will release the details asap because we know how important this information is for your decision making. No other investor will receive a better deal than our ICO investors.
This upgrade is of course on a completely voluntary basis, everyone can mine with their H20 Tokens if they wish to do so!
We announced the second ICO now so that everyone has the chance to decide and doesn’t have the impression that we hold back information. The point of these early, not very specific information, is the possibility for the H20 Investors to be able to update later to the H3O Token. There would be the chance that if we announced it after feb 2018, a lot of investors would feel mislead.
In the end we want the best outcome for our investors, otherwise our company wouldn’t be successful.

We know that you have experienced a lot of troubles lately with coss.io, we contacted them already.
We are working really hard to get on a new exchange for you, we have different offers already.
I know that a lot of investors bought the H2O Coin in order to make money with a rising price of the H2O Token, with a voucher for mining time that is a little bit tricky because the rate at which you can redeem it for mining time is fixed.
With the H3O Token that would be different since this would be a real security token and would represent the value of the company.

Redeeming of H2O Tokens:
The development of the mining portal progresses very well. The decision that we will as well offer a percentage of mining contracts that can be paid for in fiat currencies was made due to the huge interest we experienced.
However this contracts will of course be more expensive than the ones that can be paid for in H2O. Also this capacity is of course not financed with the money of the ICO investors! We will buy this capacity from investors for which we host the hardware.
The prices of the fiat contracts will be released with the mining portal implementation, a certain hashrate can be bought then.
The minimum payout for the mining profit withdrawal will be as following:
ETH: 0.01
BTC: 0.02
BCH: 0.001
ETC: 1
ZEC: 0.1

We will provide you with the release date of the portal asap, the interface for the users will be released 1st of february 2018.
We hope you had nice holidays and wish you a happy new year 2018 if one is still allowed to wish that now after 7 days :)
Best from Vienna



HydroMiner-Nadine Damblon, CEO

HydroMiner — sustainable cryptocurrency mining company in Austria, Europe.