The Best Ways To Manage Your Stress

Nadiya Noor
3 min readAug 21, 2021
Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Many of us deal with a situation that can be stressful and overwhelming. It may seem like there is nothing you can do about stress. There are steps you can take to come out of the pressure and regain control. Dr. Stoll says, “We all need to know when to close our eyes and take a deep breath when we feel the tension rising.

It is natural to feel stressed or anxious during traumatic events and an exhausting lifestyle. Common symptoms when you are under stress can include:

Disbelief, feelings of being isolated and worthlessness, anger, overthinking, changes in appetite and unexplained weight gain or weight loss, lack of sleep and having nightmares, worsening of health conditions.

So, here I am about to tell you some healthy ways that will help you to cope up with your stress.

Take Care of Yourself:

Start doing exercise regularly. It will help you to balance the nervous system. Moving your body on a daily basis increases blood circulation which helps to flush out stress hormones. Eat healthy foods, try to get plenty of sleep.

Rebalance Work and Home:

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, we all have learned this in our childhood. Now it’s the time you should take this seriously. If you are spending too much time at the office work, you need to stop this. Don’t take too much pressure and give yourself some time.

Do What Makes You Happy:

Do some activities that make you feel better. Research shows that it reduces stress by almost half and lowers heart rate.

Practice Meditation or Yoga:

Yoga is known to be a great antidote to stress. It became very popular among people as it includes many exercises and techniques to activate a state of relaxation. You should consider taking a mindfulness-based stress reduction course to get effective results.

Avoid People Who Stress You Out:

When you find out someone who is constantly causing stress in your life you should spend less time with them or sometimes you need to end the relationship with that kind of person.

Keep a Positive Vibe:

When you think you are drowned with stress, take a moment to think about all the things you appreciate in life including your own qualities. These simple things can help you to keep a positive perspective.

Connect With Others:

Do not abandon yourself and talk with people. Share your problems with someone whom you trust the most and who is concerned about you.

Take a Vacation:

Leave your monotonous life behind and go for a vacation. That will help you to build up your mental and emotional outlook. You can be strong enough to reset your stress tolerance which will happier and more productive.

Avoid Drugs and Alcohol:

Stress is one of the biggest reasons why people become addicted to drugs and alcohol. Taking drugs and alcohol may seem to help for instance but they actually create major problems and you can end up getting addicted. They increase the stresses you are already feeling.

Try Music Therapy:

Music therapy is a use of music to provide a distraction for the mind, it can slow the rhythms of your body and can alter your mood. It includes listening to music, writing songs, playing an instrument etc. Research shows that music therapy can lower the heart-rate and blood pressure. It encourages the feeling of calmness by relieving stress, increases positive feelings like euphoria, confidence, empowerment. It helps to reduce obsessive thoughts and anxiety. You can talk to a trained or certified music therapist.

Recognize When You Need More Help:

It’s not okay to ignore a stressful situation that needs to be addressed. If you think you are suicidal, talk to a psychologist or a counselor immediately.

