Dirty Retail stores — Are they repelling your Customers?

nadkaar webdesign
2 min readMay 13, 2018


A clean and professional looking retail space has a positive influence on the minds of your customers which make it easy for you to attract your customers and keep them engage with your business.

Designate the areas:

In retail stores, many customers are entering the stores, shopping around and many are exiting at the same time. Not creating a clear flow of people can turn your store in chaos.

There should also be proper plan according to which the customers find the exact same thing they want in short time. Placement of irrelevant items, dropped items on the floor near shelves or disorganized area have a negative impact on your customers.

Guide the customers to the products they desired and help them to choose the best is an imperative part of providing sales- driven customer experience.

Cleanliness can increase your sales rate:

A dirty and unmaintained area with old painted walls, improper lighting, glass doors with fingerprints and spillages are all the elements which create a barrier for the customers to enter the store. What they might think is, if you are unable to clean the store then how you can provide the quality products.

A neat and good-smelled environment is attractive which pave the path for more sales and enhanced reputation.

The displays should be clean too:

Displays are the perfect way to showcase the products of your store. The displayed products get most of the dirt as they remain untouched for longer times.

Clean and wipe the displays regularly and it is better to include its cleaning in the daily routine.

Shopping carts:

Do not ignore these. Whenever a customer enters in your store, he/she first look for the shopping cart but what if they see broken or dirty carts instead of clean and new? They will not even touch it!

Purchase high-quality shopping carts which have a nice appearance too. You do not understand its importance but it is a crucial part of customer experience and there is no need to say that if you make the customers happy, they will return to you again for sure!

No clutter anywhere:

A piece of paper, wrapper or plastic bags on the floor may lead the customer think of your store as dirty and unorganized. A clutter free environment shows the lack of care to the business. Retail stores have different types of items including food and beverages.

To fulfil the demand of cleaning standard, you must keep the area clean. Not following the standard instructions for cleaning can even take you at the edge of bad rating and if the authorities seal the store then it will be the much worse case!

Alomaids is a cleaning company in Dubai-UAE. It renders professional and high-quality services of residential and commercial cleaning. The reliable and dedicated maids in Dubai have the experience to serve the customers and do the cleaning job in the right way. It leaves the clients with no less than a delightful and satisfactory experience.

Article By: ALOMaids

Blog Link: Dirty Retail stores — Are they repelling your Customers?

