Nicole Eldridge
2 min readApr 15, 2019

Hackers in Social Media

In my story, I am hoping to tell people about hackers on social media and how to possibly prevent them from getting into your social media accounts. It is important for people to know that hackers can get into your accounts and take all of your personal information. Knowing how to prevent this is something that is valuable and important.

Here, in this country, hackers were stealing state domains offline.
In this tweet, Hacker News talks about how Microsoft was hacked and credentials were stolen.
Hackers are now able to turn off electricity in a city.
This is how hackers get into computers by coding. This is from source: giphy
This gif shows coding as well. Also from giphy
Just by watching a video YouTube can show you how to hack an account.

In this article, it talks about Facebook hackers and how they hacked into 30 million accounts.

In conclusion, I hope that looking through all of this content, you were able to see how easy it is for someone to hack into your account and take information. In order to avoid people to not hack your accounts, you should change your passwords every three months and make sure that your passwords are not the same. It is important that people do not take personal information because it can lead to someone ruining your life, such as social security number and more.

Nicole Eldridge

Arizona State • Chicago-Arizona • Aspiring Sports Journalist