Dr. Meera Nagaria
4 min readJul 30, 2021


It’s benefits and disadvantages

Many of us love our juices and juicing of fruits and vegetables has become a latest trend these days. But, are juices really healthy? Do they give as many nutrients as raw vegetables? Let us look at benefits and cons for juicing vegetables and fruits.

Benefits of vegetable juicing-

· Vegetables contain polyphenols which are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. We tend to consume more vegetables in juices than when we eat them raw. Thus, there will be more intake of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

· Researches have shown that one glass of vegetable juice contains more nitric oxide which helps in supporting the cardiovascular health in individuals and regulating blood pressure.

· Consuming of vegetable juices while planning 2 to 3 days of cleanse or detox has seen to be beneficial. It is easier for digestion and helps flushing out toxins out of specific organs when specific juices are consumed. For eg. Consuming unstrained carrot juice with a few drops of coconut oil helps in cleansing liver, celery-parsley juice helps in cleansing of kidneys, etc.

· Juices are also rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and supports the cleansing of the organs along with boosting energy

Disadvantages of vegetable and fruit juicing are-

· Juicing of fruits destroys all the fiber and denatures all the enzymes. The only remaining part in the juice is the fruit sugar which increases the blood sugar levels on consumption.

· One will need more amounts of fruits for juicing than when consumed as a whole. This further leads to more consumption of sugar, more calorie consumption and more increase in the blood sugar levels.

· When consuming large amounts of vegetable juices, many people are seen to have digestive difficulties like bloating, flatulence, heaviness, etc. They may not be able to tolerate too much of fiber and can cause gastric issues. Stopping the consumption of juices and opting for chewing and eating the vegetables helps improve the symptoms.

Cleansing diets are usually low in calories. A reduced calorie intake may result in temporary weight loss, but this change is not long-lasting, and person may again put on the weight lost when he/she shifts back to routine food. Hence, juicing for weight loss is not the appropriate path to follow.

Strained vs unstrained juices- what should one opt for-

· Strained juices have a complete loss of fiber content and only content present is more sugar and also one will not feel full even after drinking a whole glass.

· Strained juices no doubt have more amounts of vegetables in it, but there is loss of fiber and some nutrient loss during juicing and straining. However, strained vegetable juices will have more antioxidants and minerals as there are more vegetables used, it can be good for cases where we may want some targeted action and too much fibre is not a criterion. Example — a cancer case who is losing weight where there is no digestion issue per se — still we can prefer to give strained veg juice or strained soup to add more antioxidants. Because too much fibre will fill the stomach and the client won’t be able to eat much of caloric food intake which will further cause weight loss

· Presence of soluble fiber, like that found in carrots, peas, green beans, etc. dissolves in water and slows down digestion, which helps manage blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber, which is in vegetables like cauliflower, potatoes, and dark leafy vegetables, adds bulk to your stool and stimulates your intestines into action. Hence, consuming unstrained juices is a better option than strained juices.

· Juices can be strained in particular conditions like in certain types of digestive ailments wherein body will not be able to tolerate a lot of fiber content and digestive system needs rest. Under such circumstances, straining of the juices and avoiding the fiber maybe beneficial for digestion and giving rest to the GI system.


· For daily consumption of vegetables, soups are a better option as one can also add in proteins in the form of lentils or beans to make it a good heavier meal.

· Juicing of vegetables is beneficial for its nitric oxide properties along with it being rich in antioxidants and vitamins and minerals. Unstrained vegetable juices are preferrable over strained as it retains the fiber.

· Juicing is a great option when planning for organ cleanses as it is easier on the gut and hence easier for digestion along with specific juices helps in flushing out toxins for those particular organs.

· Overall consuming and chewing raw vegetables is always preferred over juicing them for daily consumption.

· Under any circumstances, juicing of fruits have to be completely avoided as it is nothing but just sugar and the fiber and enzymes are destroyed due to its delicate nature. Juicing of fruits needs more quantity than when eaten as a whole, hence there is more sugar consumption even if it is the fruit sugar.

· People who are on peg feeds or unable to chew, we can do fruit pulp/mashed fruit or juice for such cases Strained Vegetable juices are good as juicing helps to break down the cell wall, gives your body raw enzymes and helps in better digestion. By drinking strained veg juice, your body can absorb nutrients quickly, without having to digest fibers



Dr. Meera Nagaria

Nutritionist and an Occupational Therapist. I write to create awareness about Autism, ADHD, etc. along with creating awareness on Nutrition and lifestyle.