Working with Docker v1.13 CLI -Management commands

5 min readJan 23, 2017


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In Docker engine v1.13, we got the management commands for container, image, plugin, secret, stack and system.

Below, we’ll see how to work with each of the management commands and sub-commands.

docker container

To attach to a running container

docker container attach <container-id/name>

To create a image from a container’s changes

docker container commit <container-id/name> <new-image-name>

To copy files/folders from the host to a container or vice-versa.

docker container cp <file> <container-id/name>:/path/to/copydocker container cp <container-id/name>:/path/from/copy <to-copy-on-host>

To create a new container

docker container create --name <container-name> <image-id/name>

To inspect changes on a container’s filesystem

docker container diff <container-id/name>

To run a command in a running container

docker container exec <container-id/name>

To export a container’s filesystem as a tar archive

docker container export <container-id/name>

To display low-level information of a container

docker container inspect <container-id/name>

To kill a running container

docker container kill <container-id/name>

To fetch the logs of a container

docker container logs <container-id/name>

To list containers

docker container ls
OR docker container list
OR docker container ps

To pause all processes within a container

docker container pause <container-id/name>

To list port mappings for the container

docker container port <container-id/name>

To remove all stopped containers

docker container prune 

To rename a container

docker container rename <old-container-name> <new-container-name>

To restart a container

docker container restart <container-id/name>

To remove a container

docker container rm <container-id/name>

To run a command in a new container

docker container run --name <container-name> -it <image-name>

To start a stopped container

docker container start <container-id/name>

To display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics

docker container stats

To stop a container

docker container stop <container-id/name>

To display the running processes of a container

docker container top <container-id/name>

To unpause all processes within a container

docker container unpause <container-id/name>

To update configuration of a container

docker container update <OPTIONS> <container-id/name>

To block until a container stops and then print their exit codes

docker container wait <container-id/name>

docker image

To build an image from a Dockerfile

docker image build -t <image-name> .

To show the history of an image

docker image history <image-id/name>

To import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image

docker image import <file-name> <image-name>

To display low-level information of a image

docker image inspect <image-id/name>

To load an image from a tar archive or STDIN

docker image load -i <file-name>

To list images

docker image ls
OR docker image list
OR docker image images

To remove unused images

docker image prune

To pull an image from a registry

docker image pull <image-name:tag>

To push an image to a registry

docker image push <image-name:tag>

To remove a image

docker image rm <image-id/name>

To save an image to a tar archive

docker image save <image-name>

To create a tag for a image

docker image tag <old-image-name> <new-image-name>

docker network

To connect a container to a network

docker network connect <network-name> <container-id/name>

To create a network

docker network create -d <network-driver> <OPTIONS> <network-name>

To disconnect a container from a network

docker network disconnect <network-name> <container-id/name>

To display detailed information of a network

docker network inspect <network-name>

To list networks

docker network ls

To remove all unused networks

docker network prune

To remove a network

docker network rm <network-name>

docker node

To demote a node from manager in the swarm

docker node demote <node-name>

To display detailed information on a node

docker node inspect <node-name>

To list nodes in the swarm

docker node ls

To promote one or more nodes to manager in the swarm

docker node promote <node-name>

To list tasks running on one or more nodes.

docker node ps self/<node-name>

To remove one or more nodes from the swarm

docker node rm <node-name>

To update a node

docker node update <node-name>

docker plugin

To create a plugin from a rootfs and configuration. Plugin data directory must contain config.json and rootfs directory.

docker plugin create <plugin-name> <plugin-data-dir>

To disable a plugin

docker plugin disable <plugin-name>

To enable a plugin

docker plugin enable <plugin-name>

To display detailed information of a plugin

docker plugin inspect <plugin-name>

To install a plugin

docker plugin install <OPTIONS> <plugin-name>

To list plugins

docker plugin ls
OR docker plugin list

To push a plugin to a registry

docker plugin push <plugin-name:tag>

To remove a plugin

docker plugin rm <plugin-name>

To change settings for a plugin

docker plugin set <plugin-name> KEY=VALUE

docker secret

To create a secret from a file or STDIN as content

docker secret create <secret-name> <file-name>

To display detailed information of a secret

docker secret inspect <secret-name>

To list secrets

docker secret ls
OR docker secret list

To remove a secret

docker secret rm <secret-name>

docker service

To create a new service

docker service create <OPTIONS> <image-name> <CMD>

To display detailed information of a service

docker service inspect <service-name>

To list services

docker service ls
OR docker service list

To list the tasks of a service

docker service ps <service-name>

To remove a service

docker service rm <service-name>

To scale one or multiple replicated services

docker service scale <service-name>=<replicas>

To update a servicedoc

docker service update <OPTIONS> <service-name>

docker stack

To deploy a new stack or update an existing stack

docker stack deploy -c <compose-file> <stack-name>

To list stacks

docker stack ls
OR docker stack list

To list the tasks in the stack

docker stack ps <stack-name>

To remove the stack

docker stack rm <stack-name>

To list the services in the stack

docker stack services <stack-name>

docker swarm

To initialize a swarm

docker swarm init <OPTIONS>

To join a swarm as a node and/or manager

docker swarm join <OPTIONS> <HOST>:<PORT>

To manage join tokens

docker swarm join-token <OPTIONS> worker/manager

To leave the swarm

docker swarm leave

To unlock swarm

docker swarm unlock

To manage the unlock key

docker swarm unlock-key

To update the swarm

docker swarm update <OPTIONS>

docker system

To show docker disk usage

docker system df

To get real time events from the server

docker system events

To display system-wide information

docker system info

To remove unused data

docker system prune

docker volume

To create a volume

docker volume create -d <volume-driver-name> <volume-name>

To display detailed information of a volume

docker volume inspect <volume-name>

To list volumes

docker volume ls

To remove all unused volumes

docker volume prune

To remove a volume

docker volume rm <volume-name>

Source: ~ Docker CLI

Disclaimer: Content and image source has been mentioned. Special Credit to concerned folks.




Senior Software Engineer — Cloud Native and Distributed Systems