Khushi Nagda
7 min readJun 17, 2024

I conducted a heuristic evaluation of two leading travel booking websites, and Expedia, to assess their usability and identify areas for improvement. Using Jakob Nielsen’s usability principles, I examined how each site supports user tasks such as searching for accommodations, booking travel, and navigating the platform. This evaluation highlights the strengths and weaknesses of each site, providing actionable insights to enhance the overall user experience for travelers.

1.Visibility of System Status:

2.Match Between System and the Real World:

3.User Control and Freedom:

4.Consistency and Standards:

5.Error Prevention:

6.Recognition Rather Than Recall:

7.Flexibility and Efficiency of Use:

8.Aesthetic and Minimalist Design:

9.Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors:

10.Help and Documentation:

Heuristic evaluation is a usability inspection method used to identify usability issues in a user interface design by evaluating it against established heuristics

1. Visibility of System Status

  • Evaluation: provides clear feedback on user actions, such as loading indicators when searching for hotels, and confirmation messages when bookings are completed.
  • Strengths: Loading indicators and progress bars keep users informed.
  • Areas for Improvement: Some complex filters or search refinements might cause slight delays without visible feedback.

2. Match Between System and the Real World

  • Evaluation: The website uses familiar terminology and icons, making it easy to navigate for users.
  • Strengths: Use of real-world metaphors like star ratings for hotels and calendar views for date selection.
  • Areas for Improvement: The technical jargon in some policy sections (e.g., “non-refundable rate”) could be simplified.

3. User Control and Freedom

  • Evaluation: Users can easily undo or redo actions, such as modifying search criteria or cancelling bookings.
  • Strengths: Clear options to change or cancel reservations, and accessible links to modify search criteria.
  • Areas for Improvement: The cancellation policies are sometimes complex and could benefit from clearer, more consistent presentation.

4. Consistency and Standards

  • Evaluation: The interface is consistent across different sections of the site, with standardized layout, colors, and controls.
  • Strengths: Uniform navigation bar, consistent use of buttons and icons.
  • Areas for Improvement: Occasionally, some filter options are named slightly differently on mobile vs. desktop.

5. Error Prevention

  • Evaluation: incorporates several features to prevent errors, such as validation on input fields and clear prompts.
  • Strengths: Warnings before finalizing bookings and checks for availability.
  • Areas for Improvement: Better guidance could be provided when entering incorrect date ranges or invalid promo codes.

6. Recognition Rather Than Recall

  • Evaluation: The site relies on recognition by providing visible options, drop-downs, and default selections.
  • Strengths: Recently viewed hotels and past searches are accessible.
  • Areas for Improvement: The vast number of options and filters might be overwhelming for new users.

7. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

  • Evaluation: Both novice and experienced users can navigate effectively, with features like saved searches and filters.
  • Strengths: Advanced filters for power users, quick booking options for repeat customers.
  • Areas for Improvement: Customization of filters and search results could be enhanced, especially for frequent travelers.

8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

  • Evaluation: The site maintains a clean and organized layout without unnecessary elements that distract from core functions.
  • Strengths: Well-organized sections, attractive visual hierarchy.
  • Areas for Improvement: Some promotional banners and pop-ups can be intrusive.

9. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

  • Evaluation: Error messages are generally clear, explaining what went wrong and how to fix it.
  • Strengths: Clear messages for issues like invalid credit card numbers or booking conflicts.
  • Areas for Improvement: More detailed troubleshooting for failed booking attempts could be helpful.

10. Help and Documentation

  • Evaluation: Help sections and FAQs are available, along with contact options for customer service.
  • Strengths: Comprehensive FAQs, customer service chat, and phone support.
  • Areas for Improvement: The help section could be made more accessible from every page, especially during the booking process.

Summary of Heuristic Evaluation

  • Strengths: excels in providing visible system status updates, matching the real world with familiar metaphors, maintaining consistency, and offering aesthetic design and efficient navigation.
  • Areas for Improvement: Simplifying cancellation policies, enhancing filter customization, reducing intrusiveness of promotional elements, and providing more detailed error recovery options could further enhance usability.


Overall, provides a robust and user-friendly interface with room for minor improvements. Addressing the outlined areas can further enhance the user experience, making the platform even more intuitive and efficient for users.


1. Visibility of System Status

Evaluation: Expedia provides users with clear, immediate feedback on their actions, such as loading indicators during search and notifications on booking confirmations.


  • Loading Indicators: Search results and booking steps are accompanied by progress indicators, reducing user uncertainty.
  • Booking Confirmation: Clear messages with booking details and follow-up actions.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Search Refinement Feedback: Some advanced filters may apply without noticeable feedback, which could lead to confusion.

Progress indicator during search on Expedia

2. Match Between System and the Real World

Evaluation: Expedia uses intuitive language and familiar concepts, making it easy for users to understand and interact with the system.


  • Real-world Terminology: Uses familiar terms like “flights,” “hotels,” and “car rentals.”
  • Visual Cues: Calendar views for date selection and star ratings for hotels.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Complex Policies: Certain booking terms and conditions may use technical language that could be simplified for better understanding.

Calendar view for selecting dates on Expedia

3. User Control and Freedom

Evaluation: Users can easily backtrack or modify their actions, such as changing search criteria or canceling bookings.


  • Search Modification: Users can adjust search filters and criteria without starting over.
  • Cancellation Options: Clear links and instructions for canceling bookings.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Complex Cancellation Rules: Some cancellation policies are intricate and might benefit from more straightforward explanations or a summary view.

Options for modifying or canceling bookings on Expedia

4. Consistency and Standards

Evaluation: The interface is consistent in layout, colors, and controls across different pages and sections.


  • Uniform Design: Consistent layout, making it easier for users to navigate different sections.
  • Standardized Elements: Uniform use of icons, buttons, and terminology.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Filter Labels: Occasionally, the naming of filters could be inconsistent, especially across different platforms (desktop vs. mobile).

Consistent navigation and layout across sections on Expedia

5. Error Prevention

Evaluation: Expedia includes features to prevent common errors, such as validating inputs and providing prompts before final actions.


  • Input Validation: Ensures correct date ranges and valid payment details.
  • Booking Warnings: Alerts users to important policies or potential issues before finalizing a booking.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Real-time Validation: More immediate feedback during data entry, such as instant validation for date ranges or number of travelers.

Clear warnings and prompts before booking completion on Expedia

6. Recognition Rather Than Recall

Evaluation: The site allows users to rely on recognition by providing visible options, recent searches, and intuitive navigation.


  • Recent Searches: Easily accessible recent searches and previously viewed items.
  • Visual Filters: Filters and options are prominently displayed for easy selection.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Filter Management: Users may benefit from clearer, more prominent indicators of active filters and their effects.

Recently viewed hotels and searches on Expedia

7. Flexibility and Efficiency of Use

Evaluation: Expedia caters to both novice and experienced users by providing features like saved searches and customizable filters.


  • Saved Preferences: Users can save searches and preferences for quicker future access.
  • Advanced Filters: Allows for detailed search customization for experienced users.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Filter Customization: Enhanced filter options and saved search parameters could further improve efficiency for frequent users.

Advanced filters for flights on Expedia

8. Aesthetic and Minimalist Design

Evaluation: The design is generally clean and organized, with a focus on core functionalities without excessive clutter.


  • Visual Hierarchy: Effective use of white space and clear visual hierarchy.
  • Minimal Clutter: Essential information is prioritized, avoiding unnecessary elements.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Promotional Elements: Some users might find promotional banners and pop-ups intrusive or distracting.

Clean and organized layout on Expedia

9. Help Users Recognize, Diagnose, and Recover from Errors

Evaluation: The site provides helpful error messages and recovery options, such as guidance for resolving common booking issues.


  • Clear Error Messages: Provides detailed explanations and solutions for errors.
  • Guided Recovery: Offers step-by-step guidance for common issues like payment problems or booking conflicts.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Detailed Troubleshooting: More comprehensive troubleshooting guides could be beneficial for less common issues.

Helpful error messages on Expedia

10. Help and Documentation

Evaluation: Expedia offers accessible help sections, FAQs, and customer service options.


  • Extensive FAQs: Covers a broad range of topics and common questions.
  • Customer Support: Multiple contact options, including chat and phone support.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Help Accessibility: Making help and documentation links more prominent during the booking process could improve user experience.

Summary of Heuristic Evaluation

  • Strengths: Expedia excels in visibility of system status, using real-world concepts, consistency, and providing helpful error messages and documentation. It effectively balances aesthetic design with functional elements.
  • Areas for Improvement: Simplifying complex cancellation policies, improving filter customization, enhancing real-time input validation, and reducing the intrusiveness of promotional elements can further enhance the user experience.