Photography 101 — The Basics

Nagendhar Reddy
3 min readMay 18, 2019


Beginner Photography Tips


3 Elements of Exposure

  1. Shutter Speed
  2. ISO
  3. Aperture

These are represented in a triangle. If one setting is changed, the other two need compensation

The Number Game:

Shutter Speed

The length of time for which the shutter is open.

Do you want to show motion?

shutter speed

Difference can be tenths of a second.

It is important to keep the camera on a stable tripod, when shooting at lower shutter speed e.g anything above 0.5 seconds i.e. 1 -12 seconds or more


Amount of light let into the camera.

Do you want a single object or entire scene in focus ? — set using Aperture !

Think of a window in a room, larger the window , more light passes in and more bright is the room !

f/4 — Focus on closer object, f/22 — entire scenes is equally exposed to lens


Sensitivity to Light

Higher the number, camera is more sensitive to light

How much light is available ?

Are you clicking in the Night or Day ?

Use more Natural light -> Day — Lower ISO , Night → Higher ISO

During Night/low light -> if you go for higher ISO, the images are bright, but looks grainy. Hence use artificial/cam kit flashes.

Each of the three has to be compensated !!

