MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline using pymongo

Nagendra Kumar
Apr 17, 2023


Python driver for MongoDB to connect and perform queries

I will be going through all the stages that MongoDB Compass contains. Compass is an interactive tool for querying, optimizing, and analyzing your MongoDB data.

These are the few stages of the pipeline

We can see there is no document. So before performing the query we need to populate the data. Atlas has the feature to load sample datasets. I am going to load the dataset to my M0 cluster.

Now we are going to perform the query on sample_mflix — Database & movies — collection name

We are going to consider the $match, $project, $limit and $skip stages.
This can be used directly with pymongo

If we have to perform a lookup with other collections then we can use it. Considering the use case that we have here. we can think of getting all the comments done by users.






Nagendra Kumar

Co-Founder CEO @ Insight Assess | Elevating the value of partner schools | IIT Delhi