Let’s make corporations mark the harm caused by chemical fertilizers

2 min readAug 28, 2018


No matter what you consume, cigarettes or chemical fertilizers, the result is the same — cancer.

This is not the just the mere words. A jury in San Francisco concluded on Aug. 10 that the Dewayne Johnson had developed cancer from exposure to Roundup, Monsanto’s widely used herbicide, and ordered the company to pay $289 million in damages.

Johnson had used this chemical fertilizer in his job as a groundskeeper in a California school district. He later developed non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Now the damage of chemicals in farming is totally proven, and we need all people to know that using chemical fertilizers is playing with fire. Therefore, we claim that the producers have to inform the customers about the harm their products cause. Glyphosate, the main Roundup component, is used in other chemical fertilizers, which will probably harm more and more people.

Our message is simple: after the court’s decision, we require mandatory labeling of all chemical fertilizers from January 2019.

It is necessary to understand that people who advocate an organic farming and the farmers who use fertilizers are different people. However, every person has the right to know what they use and how it affects their health.

Chemical fertilizers cause cancer, as well as cigarettes or radiation. Everyone has to admit that. Your small action can save the lives of thousands of people.

Sign the petition: https://www.change.org/p/ministry-of-health-let-s-make-corporations-mark-the-harm-caused-by-chemical-fertiizers




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