Nagri ITO has come to an end, and the project continues its development!

2 min readSep 20, 2018


We are very grateful for your support and your trust. You made everything possible, and thanks to your efforts, we will develop organic farming all around the world. We have reached the soft cap because of our strong community.
Today we don’t stop! Right before the ITO ended, our co-founder and business development director Andrey Samolyotov had visited the crypto conference in Moscow.
CryptoBBQ has become one of the largest crypto events in Russia: more than 700 participants have attended the conference, which took place in a luxurious country complex.

The number of people interested in Nagri was amazing! Andrey couldn’t even have a minute to take a breath for more than 8 hours — lots of investors considered to make money with Nagri. And we have the results: Andrey has created a network of professionals who became engaged in our community. Our future investors asked about everything from the business model to the product we offer. Some of them invited Nagri representatives to the personal meeting in their Moscow office.

CryptoBBQ helped Andrey find the executives who were interested in the support of the entire project, not only the regional parts of it. It led to the current negotiations with two major investors who want to pump into Nagri significant amount of money or cooperate with us in creating a company in Russia.

“People in Russia are interested in the real sector, they understand its perspectives. Digitals projects without a prototype or product are no longer interesting for them today,” says Andrey.

“Our product is based on the existing technology and the company has Russian team members, which made the project unique among the others,” he added.
Today, Nagri team negotiates with Russian investors, as well as with European, Asian, and American businesspeople who are ready to support such an important project.




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