Vegetable oil production is growing. With Nagri, it will be even bigger

1 min readOct 29, 2018


US Department of Agriculture has got promising predictions! Its forecast shows that 2018-’19 world vegetable oil production will rise more than 3% from the previous year and reach 204 million tons.

It includes palm, soybean, rapeseed, and sunflower oil, which is more than 87% of the total oil supply. The biggest growth is expected from soybean oil. Its production is going to increase at nearly 5%.

Favorable growing conditions in Southeast Asia and surprisingly high yields on palm oil plantations are seen to lead to a 4.5% rise from 2017-’18 to 72.8 million tons.

Ukrainian sunflower oil production increased at 6% last year, and it is possible for the global market to rise up to 4% this time for this kind of oil.

These numbers motivate us to work hard on distribution Nagri all over the world. We are ready to help farmers grow their vegetable oil production even more without the expansion of sown areas.




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