Harmony in Diversity: Crafting Connections Between Berlin’s Audiences and Local Artists

Nahatai Chiangpradit
4 min readApr 26, 2024


Ironhack project: E-commerce web design

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

Introduction: Crafting Connections in Kreuzberg
Nestled in the lively streets of Kreuzberg, Berlin, Beynelmilel stands not just as a beer garden but as a beacon of cultural integration and artistic expression. Inspired by a vision to weave a tapestry of connections between local and immigrant musicians and the vibrant communities of Berlin, our challenge was to transform this beloved locale into a dynamic digital platform in just 1.5 weeks. Here, every interaction wouldn’t just introduce music enthusiasts to new sounds but also bridge diverse cultures through the universal language of music.

Tasked with developing a hi-fi prototype, our goal was clear: to streamline the journey from discovery to purchase, all while conveying the warm, inclusive vibe of a center for international music culture, shifting from mundane Facebook events to a one-stop jam session for discovering local artists.

The Dynamic Trio: Symphony or Cacophony?
Our team, a trio of diverse expertise — a philosopher, a tech-savvy product manager, and myself, a strategy-focused consultant — was tasked with steering the project to keep our scope and goals aligned, ensuring that the team’s talents were effectively utilized. The struggle to sync our individual rhythms underscored the often-understated challenges of teamwork in fast-paced projects.

Research: Discovering the Rhythms
Our research unveiled a significant gap: many events were only listed on Facebook, lacking detailed information, leaving visitors in the dark about artist backgrounds and event specifics. This discovery framed our problem statement — how do we design a website that not only introduces unique music events but also enriches visitors’ understanding and appreciation of the new artists in town?

User Persona: Daphne’s Journey
Daphne represented our target user. Her journey highlighted the need for a streamlined, engaging platform that resonates with her lifestyle. Frustrated by complicated processes and unclear information existing only on Facebook, she became the cornerstone of our design focus, pushing us to enhance clarity and ease within the website.

User Persona

Design Process: Remixing Beynelmilel’s Digital Groove
We kicked off with a basic sketch prototype that set the stage. Following the client’s mission to connect artists with locals, we amped up the event detail page with an embedded Spotify playlist, allowing users to experience the artist’s vibe instantly. We spotlighted biography previews and vibrant photos of past events, turning the page into a backstage pass to the artist’s world. Taken from our research, each feature addition was carefully orchestrated and positioned to make users feel connected and excited, boosting their likelihood of moving from browsing to booking.

Design Process

Encore: Overcoming Design Hurdles
Although the initial prototype received a thumbs up from usability tests where we made it to a Hi-fi prototype smoothly, our layout played it too safe and was a bit monotone, lacking the dynamic flair Berlin’s scene deserved. The design session was far from being smooth jazz; it was more like an intense jam session, often fraught with tension, and not to mention the pressure of the ticking clock. Some user feedback sent us back to the drawing board, debates over which features were essential, and the constant push to simplify the user journey.

Mid-fi wireframe version

Balancing aesthetic appeal with functionality was our main design hurdle. Each struggle added a layer of depth to our understanding, each revision a refinement of our collective vision, ensuring every interaction was as engaging as a night out in Kreuzberg, to boost users’ likelihood of moving from browsing to booking.

Hi-fi wireframe version

Reflections: Lessons from the Limelight
This project taught us about the importance of collaboration, flexibility, empathy, and the power of user-centric design. We learned to balance creativity with functionality, ensuring our solutions were not only innovative but also practical and resonant with our audience.

What’s Next: The Afterparty
With the hi-fi prototype set to launch, we’re already planning further enhancements and eager to continue refining Beynelmilel’s digital presence. Our journey with Beynelmilel has been a testament to the power of design in bridging cultural gaps and creating meaningful connections. Beynelmilel is poised to become not just a website, but a destination for cultural exploration and musical discovery.

