2 min readMay 6, 2024

Er diagram

Creating an ER (Entity-Relationship) diagram for an online music streaming service involves defining entities, their attributes, and the relationships among them. Given the complexity of the system described, we’ll need to carefully consider how to represent various entities like users, songs, artists, albums, genres, playlists, subscription tiers, and listening histories. Here’s a step-by-step approach to designing this ER diagram:

Entities and Attributes

  1. User
  • Attributes: UserID, Username, Email, SubscriptionID
  1. Subscription Tier
  • Attributes: SubscriptionID, TierName, Price, Features
  1. Playlist
  • Attributes: PlaylistID, UserID, Name, Description
  1. Song
  • Attributes: SongID, Title, Duration, AlbumID
  1. Album
  • Attributes: AlbumID, Title, ReleaseDate
  1. Artist
  • Attributes: ArtistID, Name, Bio
  1. Genre
  • Attributes: GenreID, Name, Description
  1. Listening History
  • Attributes: UserID, SongID, ListenDate, DurationListened
  1. Recommendation
  • Attributes: RecommendationID, UserID, SongID


  1. Users and Subscription Tiers
  • A user subscribes to one subscription tier.
  • Relationship: One-to-One (Each user has one subscription tier)
  1. Users and Playlists
  • Users can create multiple playlists.
  • Relationship: One-to-Many (One user can have multiple playlists)
  1. Playlists and Songs
  • Playlists contain multiple songs.
  • Relationship: Many-to-Many (A playlist can contain many songs, and a song can be in multiple playlists)
  1. Songs and Albums
  • Each song belongs to one album.
  • Relationship: Many-to-One (Many songs can belong to one album)
  1. Albums and Artists
  • An album can feature multiple artists.
  • Relationship: Many-to-Many (An album can have multiple artists, and an artist can contribute to multiple albums)
  1. Songs and Artists
  • Artists can perform multiple songs.
  • Relationship: Many-to-Many (A song can have multiple artists, and an artist can perform multiple songs)
  1. Songs and Genres
  • A song can belong to multiple genres.
  • Relationship: Many-to-Many (A song can be categorized under multiple genres, and a genre can include multiple songs)
  1. Users and Listening History
  • Users have a listening history comprising multiple songs.
  • Relationship: One-to-Many (A user can have multiple listening history records)
  1. Users and Recommendations
  • Users receive recommendations for songs.
  • Relationship: One-to-Many (A user can receive multiple recommendations)

Representation in ER Diagram

  • Entities are represented as rectangles.
  • Attributes are listed inside the entity rectangles.
  • Relationships are represented as lines connecting entities. The nature of the relationship (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many) is indicated by placing the appropriate cardinality near the entities.

Additional Considerations

  • Composite Attributes: If any attributes are composed of multiple data points (e.g., full name could be split into first and last names), these should be represented accordingly.
  • Weak Entities: If any entity cannot be sufficiently identified by its attributes alone, a strong entity’s primary key must be part of its identifying relationship.
  • Derived Attributes: Attributes that can be computed from other attributes (e.g., age from date of birth) should be noted.

This ER diagram will provide a clear and effective representation of the complex relationships and functionalities of the online music streaming service, facilitating database design and further system development.