How to set up Dark Mode in Slack on MacOS Mojave in two steps

2 min readNov 22, 2018


How to set up Dark Mode in Slack on MacOS Mojave in two steps

This is what you get after following these simple instructions

August 2019 update 😀

For Slack v4 you can use the project from Ilan Erenstein,

Make sure you have nodejs and Homebrew installed, first. Then run

git clone && cd slack-dark-mode \
&& chmod +x && ./ \
&& osascript -e ‘tell application “Slack” to quit’ \
&& killall Slack && sleep 60 && open -a “/Applications/”

Thanks to Richard Pastenes and Ldavid X Lopezl for mention the project in the responses.

July 2019 update 😭

The Slack version 4.0.0 is not compatible with this hack. Need to investigate and if we can do this in this version as well.

June 2019 update 💁‍♂️

  • Added a bonus step at the end (on my blog only), for automating the dark theme implementation with a simple double-click. 😁
  • Dark mode has arrived for mobile apps. Read it in the Slack blog itself. Desktop dark mode still in progress. Hopefully we can use this little hack here.
  • Updated the links to (Thanks Israel Tiomno 🤗)

Credits to this Gist.

First, configure the general theme 👨‍💻

  1. Close slack
  2. Open this file /Applications/
  3. Append this at the very bottom
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
let tt__customCss = '.menu ul li a:not(.inline_menu_link) {color: #fff !important;}'
url: '',
success: function(css) {
$('<style></style>').appendTo('head').html(css + tt__customCss);

Second, choose a proper sidebar theme 💅

  1. Go to Preferences / Sidebar
  2. At the end of that page, choose to set a custom color
  3. Paste this custom theme:

You can see other sidebar themes at Slack Theme. The one I chose is Green Lantern.

Enjoy the darkness 😈

That’s it. You can now open Slack and see the results!

¡Bonus step! Automatize this 🤓

Every time Slack makes a little update, you’ll need to manually add that little script again and again.

Well, not anymore. Read it on my blog.




Nerd con pretensiones. React, Python y datos abiertos #NoAlVotoElectrónico #MemoriaVerdadYJusticia