University Token: Blog#4 Final update in OSTa3 Challenge

naidu g
3 min readAug 10, 2018


This is the final article in the series of final blog posts in OST KIT alpha3 challenge.

I have successfully integrated OST Kit Wallet lite features into android application, which is used to provide transaction services in educational institution.

You can have a look at my earlier posts to know the more details of the project.

What problem does this project solves?

Immutable feature of blockchain can be used to store the student records such as exam results, graduation certificates, which can be used by their future employers to verify the authenticity. And all the transactions can be tokenized within particular university and all of it’s affiliated institutions.

What was your key goal behind doing the challenge?

As a student very new to this technology, So I want to get hands on experience with block chain features, and so I am developing this application to show the usecases of blockchain.

How did you plan the design for your wallet features?

In OST alpha 3 challenge, I integrated wallet api to retrieve balance directly from ledger and display it on user interface.

Integrated wallet API.

Transaction history is displayed using OST ledger API. I have designed it in simple way with description of content received from ledger API. You can see the user name, ANU tokens, Transaction time and action type.

Ledger API

OST BLOCK Explorer:

During last week, I have faced problems with company_to_user request and reported the same to OST support team and they are quick in response and resolved it.

What did you like about using these APIs?

I think OST wallet api and ledger API are easy to integrate. I hope, OST team consider the below feedback.

  1. Include more filters for transaction history to retrieve the transactions sent or received, not together. Now I need to make two requests and get the same duplicate content.
  2. Include more debug information in OST php dev kit. Now it’s not easy to debug, in case of errors.

What did you learn about designing these wallet features?

There is lot of information related to transaction on blockchain. I learned the transaction details from return values of ledger API.

For more information, you can read the earlier blog posts and also watch this demo video.

