The secret for real physical strength

4 min readOct 14, 2019


I’m 19 years old and I can say that the real strenght doesn’t come from a gym, the little life I’ve lived so far, has taught me that people often only use a part of their strength and their real potential, but I always ask myself the same question. Why? Maybe because when they notice that their muscles have protruded a little bit on their skin they decide to take a picture of it, upload it to the internet and not take this seriously again. Or worse, to decide to put something into their body to advance that horrible process.

For me, strength means being able to deform something that this fact of iron, strength is moving things that we all think are immovable.

Can all human beings develop such abilities?

In fact… Yeah, we all can, you just need to make the right decisions at the right time, right? Then why not all new generations are forming to be superhuman?

I think I have the answer, everyone reading this article is telling me that at least he was born in a country with enough memories for me to have access to the internet, that means there are too many teenagers or children in the world with these same characteristics, and this is what we are interested in knowing now, the technology you have access to can make a god, or it can condemn you to an unpleasant life and completely different from what you may be proposing right now. The constant information that comes to our brains in the form of advertising makes us start thinking in a way that we think we have personality, but when you go to the facts, that indicates something else, the popular culture worldwide, that is, that you have access to, is swallowing you up.

Based on that earlier idea, all the information about strength and spectacular physicists will come to you, making you believe that that way is how a real man should look, but that cannot be further from reality, so as not to make this article more extensive, I will go straight to the point.

Александр Засс

To write all this I based myself on the biography of one of my personal idols, Alexander Zass, this man was able to bend metal bars, break chains, lift horses and couldn’t lose in a hand-to-hand struggle. This man if he had real strength, his physical appearance at that time did not fully demonstrate what he was really capable of doing, and there is the essence of everything, the true strength is given by the tendons that connect the muscles to the bones, so it is not necessary an attractive muscle development to access that unstoppable force. However Zass developed muscle mass to show off in the circus he was in.

Now let’s remember one of the questions I asked at the beginning of this article, can all human beings develop such abilities?

Many might say no, based perhaps on the fact that the case I pressured them before was perhaps due to genetic reasons, but the truth is that no, Alexander Zass was not a man blessed with gifts from his past generations, in fact he used to weigh around 60 or 70 kg, what differentiated him from other people from his time was that he was always focused on his hypothesis about true strength, training with improvised equipment he got after 30 years an incalculable and incredible force for the people of his time.

Just as if you look at the Виктор Блуд (Victor Blud) case you can see that real work over the years results in skills that can be accessible, only with the exercises and the right approach.

Now, that is the key, training the tendons resistance to objects help your muscles to be more stronger and more able to do impossible things. The workout of Zass wasn’t like maybe you think it was, according his biography.

His workouts were composed of rudimentary movements in heavy natural rocks and things like that, always challenging Mother Nature. And that makes me think that the human body is the best weapon that nature itself could have created, we have an incredible ability to adapt to every change in the environment, if we want to move a rock, the first day suddenly we cannot move it, but trying again the next day and the next day, later a month or years, that old rock will be little to move, and we will see towards the mountain and think about moving it, we start trying until we get it. This is the ideal of these words, this is the secret of the royal force.

Thanks for read.

